Bridge to Mars a power-trio from Stockholm Sweden. Their debut self-titled album was released 26/2 2016. With influences like Led Zeppelin, Thin Lizzy, Yes, The Black Crowes, The Who, Soundgarden, Rush, Black Sabbath, Van Halen and yes … ABBA! they´ve managed to create their own unique sound.
La collana che porta dalla Casa del Jazz in edicola i grandi musicisti jazz del nostro Paese con una serie di dicotto live esclusivi, una panoramica sulla musica d'improvvisazione in Italia, sarà in tutte le edicole mercoledì 16 marzo con la seconda uscita "Live from Mars" di Stefano Bollani.
Deuxième production du label ALÉA, deuxième volume du MEDIUM ENSEMBLE, dont l’aventure démarrait en 2013 au cours de ma résidence à L’apostrophe, scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise. Il y est d’abord question de prolonger encore mes préoccupations d’écriture, au service d’un ensemble de solistes hors pairs, tous enclins à se jouer de diverses formes à tiroir, et autres défis rythmiques, harmoniques ou mélodiques.
Ray Lema and Laurent de Wilde, two piano drivers.
One celebrates its seventy years this year and continues to display a trajectory of tremendous richness. Curious about everything, he paced the planet and opened very early his Congolese culture to the thousand winds of the music of the world, China, Brazil, Bulgaria, North Africa, America, Europe, to trigger each time fertile encounters.
Since the beginning of his career as a jazz pianist, he has since 2000 multiplied the paths of traverse, electro, slam, reggae, theater , Documentary, twisting each time his instrument with a communicative energy and success.
June 1st 2016 saw the 30th anniversary of the release of Chris de Burgh's album Into The Light. This was the album that established Chris as a true worldwide superstar. The album sold in excess of eight million copies. 30 years later Chris is releasing his 26th studio album - A Better World. The album includes brand new self-penned songs which encompass all the craftsmanship learnt from the more than 280 songs written by this master songwriter. The first single is called 'Bethlehem' - a dynamic rock track reminiscent of the global hits 'Don't Pay The Ferryman' and 'High On Emotion'. Always in tune with global and political issues, Chris de Burgh provides much food for thought in the lyrical content of his new album. The title alone sets the tone and intent for a collection of songs which, although not exclusively concerned with key issues of the day, certainly holds up a mirror to many of them.