Here for the first time are the integral Sylvie Vartan RCA albums, from between 1962 and 1986, in Deluxe Vinyl Replica. You could find 41 CD with 716 tracks (including 171 Bonus Tracks & 32 unreleased tracks). Deluxe Vinyl Replicas by Culture Factory constitute high quality reissued compact-discs which reproduce all the components of the original LPs and are their exact replicas in compact-disc size (5.3 x 5.3 inches), with authentic single or gatefold cardboard jackets and paper sleeves. In addition to the above, each compact-disc Deluxe Vinyl Replica includes a black finish CD complete with the original label to give it the look and feel of the original record album.
Here for the first time are the integral Sylvie Vartan RCA albums, from between 1962 and 1986, in Deluxe Vinyl Replica. You could find 41 CD with 716 tracks (including 171 Bonus Tracks & 32 unreleased tracks). Deluxe Vinyl Replicas by Culture Factory constitute high quality reissued compact-discs which reproduce all the components of the original LPs and are their exact replicas in compact-disc size (5.3 x 5.3 inches), with authentic single or gatefold cardboard jackets and paper sleeves. In addition to the above, each compact-disc Deluxe Vinyl Replica includes a black finish CD complete with the original label to give it the look and feel of the original record album.
Les Pensées, apologie d’une religion chrétienne repensée au XVIIe siècle à Port-Royal, est l’œuvre ultime de Pascal.
Elles se proposent de convaincre le libertin comme le croyant d’entrer plus avant dans le mystère de Jésus. A cette fin, sont mises en œuvres plusieurs stratégies rhétoriques qui sont comme autant de moyens de toucher les hommes dans leur diversité : à l’homme qui se divertit on fait sentir le non-sens de son existence (ordre de la chair), au savant et au libertin les faiblesses de leur raison (ordre de l’esprit), au chrétien la présence de Jésus-Christ (ordre du cœur). …