The most distinctive thing about Double Fantasy, the last album John Lennon released during his lifetime, is the very thing that keeps it from being a graceful return to form from the singer/songwriter, returning to active duty after five years of self-imposed exile…
Fax veteran Tetsu Inoue and newcomer Jonah Sharp produced this 1994 album of the trademarked sound of Fax - soft and spacey rhythms. The album mostly depends on the 47-minute "Morphing Cloud" which is fantastic and epic but rather spacious and seems stretched out to fill its running time. Sharp's quirky electronic noises and Inoue's spacey background ambience are indeed lush and dramatic but somewhat light and thinned out, with some moments that disrupt the blissful mood and put you on edge. "Replay" is an eerie interlude with a back-and-forth melody that serves as a kind of purgatory to wait through before "Floating Sync.", the fully-realized effort of this collaboration, comes in. With rich melodies, bass, gorgeous ambient background and harmonized vocal samples, this is the only instance you'll get of the two putting their full genius at work.