Elements of Quantum Chemistry

Elements of Quantum Optics, Second Edition  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at May 15, 2023
Elements of Quantum Optics, Second Edition

Elements of Quantum Optics, Second Edition by Pierre Meystre , Murray Sargent
English | PDF | 1991 | 509 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 36.5 MB

This book grew out of a 2-semester graduate course in laser physics and quantum optics. It requires a solid understanding of elementary electro­ magnetism as well as at least one, but preferably two, semesters of quantum mechanics. Its present form resulted from many years of teaching and research at the University of Arizona, the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Quanten­ optik, and the University of Munich. The contents have evolved signifi­ cantly over the years, due to the fact that quantum optics is a rapidly chang­ ing field. Because the amount of material that can be covered in two semes­ ters is finite, a number of topics had to be left out or shortened when new material was added. Important omissions include the manipulation of atomic trajectories by light, superradiance, and descriptions of experiments. Rather than treating any given topic in great depth, this book aims to give a broad coverage of the basic elements that we consider necessary to carry out research in quantum optics. We have attempted to present a vari­ ety of theoretical tools, so that after completion of the course students should be able to understand specialized research literature and to produce original research of their own. In doing so, we have always sacrificed rigor to physical insight and have used the concept of "simplest nontrivial exam­ ple" to illustrate techniques or results that can be generalized to more com­ plicated situations.

Equilibrium Molecular Structures: From Spectroscopy to Quantum Chemistry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by interes at Dec. 28, 2020
Equilibrium Molecular Structures: From Spectroscopy to Quantum Chemistry

Jean Demaison, "Equilibrium Molecular Structures: From Spectroscopy to Quantum Chemistry"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 1439811326 | PDF | 302 pages | 5 MB

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta: Introduction to Experiments and Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 16, 2025
The Physics of Atoms and Quanta: Introduction to Experiments and Theory

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta: Introduction to Experiments and Theory by Hermann Haken , Hans Christoph Wolf
English | PDF | 1994 | 477 Pages | ISBN : 3642975690 | 43.9 MB

This fourth edition contains a few additional figures. Otherwise only typographical er­ rors have been removed. The final chapter on Fundamentals of the Quantum Theory of Chemical Bonding is continued in an extended way in the textbook Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry by the same authors. This book contains, in particular, a profound presentation of group theory as applied to atoms and molecules. Furthermore, the in­ teraction between atoms and molecules and light is treated in detail. We thank again Springer-Verlag, in particular Dr. H.1. Kblsch and Mr. C.-D. Bachem for their excellent cooperation as always, and Prof. W. D. Brewer for his con­ tinuous support in translating our German text. Stuttgart, February 1994 H. Haken H. C. Wolf Preface to the Third Edition The second edition of this book again enjoyed a very positive reception from both uni­ versity teachers and students. In this edition we have removed all of the typographical errors that came to our attention. In order to keep the book as current as possible, new developments in the direct observation of individual atoms in electromagnetic traps (Paul traps) and of atoms in molecules on solid surfaces using the scanning tunnel microscope have been added to this edition.

The Elements Of Quantum Mechanics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Nov. 23, 2020
The Elements Of Quantum Mechanics

The Elements Of Quantum Mechanics By Saul Dushman
2007 | 468 Pages | ISBN: 1406700630 | DJVU | 16 MB

Computational Methods in Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Jan. 26, 2020
Computational Methods in Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry

Michael Dolg, "Computational Methods in Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry"
English | ISBN: 1118688317 | 2015 | 480 pages | PDF | 11 MB
Relativistic Quantum Chemistry: The Fundamental Theory of Molecular Science (2nd Edition) (repost)

Markus Reiher, Alexander Wolf, "Relativistic Quantum Chemistry: The Fundamental Theory of Molecular Science (2nd Edition)"
2014 | ISBN-10: 3527334157 | 750 pages | PDF | 4 MB

Elements of Molecular Symmetry (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at July 26, 2018
Elements of Molecular Symmetry (Repost)

Elements of Molecular Symmetry By Yngve Ohrn
2000 | 306 Pages | ISBN: 0471363235 | PDF | 7 MB

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at April 27, 2021
The Physics of Atoms and Quanta

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta By Hermann Haken, Hans Christoph Wolf, W.D. Brewer
2010 | 526 Pages | ISBN: 364205871X | PDF | 69 MB

"Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists" by Paul Sanghera (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by exLib at April 5, 2017
"Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists" by Paul Sanghera (Repost)

"Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists: Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists" by Paul Sanghera
John Wiley & Sons | 2011 | ISBN: 0470294523 9780470294529 | 543 pages | PDF | 6 MB

This book demystifies difficult concepts and views the subject, and explains key concepts and phenomena in the language of non-physics majors and with simple math, assuming no prior knowledge of the topic. This book is designed as a complete course in quantum mechanics for senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students in non-physics majors, and applies to courses such as modern physics, physical chemistry and nanotechnology.

Quantum Science: The Frontier of Physics and Chemistry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Free butterfly at Feb. 8, 2024
Quantum Science: The Frontier of Physics and Chemistry

Quantum Science: The Frontier of Physics and Chemistry by Taku Onishi
English | October 27, 2022 | ISBN: 9811944202 | 505 pages | MOBI | 81 Mb