Noi non ci saremo, Vol. 2 is the second volume of a double collection of the Italian musical group Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti, published in 2001.
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759): Susanna. Oratorio. First performed 1749. Complete version including all the music that Handel later deleted. Performed by Lorraine Hunt and Jill Feldman, soprano, Drew Minter, countertenor, Jeffrey Thomas, tenor, David Thomas and William Parker, bass; the U.C. Berkely Chamber Choir; the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, San Francisco, conducted by Nicholas McGegan. Recorded live in September, 1989, at the Hertz Hall at the University of California.
Linea Gotica è il secondo album in studio del Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti, pubblicato nel 1996. «Linea Gotica è un disco di chitarre elettrificate, perché questo è il suono del nostro tempo, per quanto detestabile possa essere questo suono e questo tempo.»(Giovanni Lindo Ferretti). L'album è presente nella classifica dei 100 dischi italiani più belli di sempre secondo Rolling Stone Italia alla posizione numero 8.
What would happen if the dense yet lyrical imagery of Garcia Lorca's Romancero Gitano was woven into the aural tapestry of bassist Renaud Garcia-Fons' offering, that traverses Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and America? A bewitching mix of flamenco, Arabic, jazz and Latin-American music would collide, resulting in a perfect offering such as La Linea del Sur. This imaginary journey through the global south is truly mesmerizing.
Following the notable impact of Volume 1, PMB returns from the challenge of researching and putting together a masterpiece to give us Buenos Aires - Paris 2, another fascinating compilation of the most outstanding songs and performers of the genre, which has positioned itself in the global market for electronic music as one of the most original new sounds of the 21ST century. In Buenos Aires - Paris we find artists that transcend the globe including Tanghotic, Carlos Libedinsky & Narcotango, Tanghetto, Otros Aires, Federico Aubele (who released his discs through Eighteenth Street Lounge Music, the record label belonging to the always influential Thievery Corporation), as well as the addition of two Argentine standouts, Jaime Torres and the talented Amelita Baltar (the voice of various musical pieces composed by Astor Piazzolla), who present us with Frio Intenso, a song that is just as new as it is musically innovative.
The central question was always about how much needs to be added to the surviving notes in order to make Poppea viable on stage. Gardiner and his advisers believe that nothing needs adding and that the 'orchestra' played only when explicitly notated in the score and was a very small group.