Founded in Sweden in 1994 by Jan Johansson's sons Anders and Jens, Heptagon Records has reissued much of the late Swedish pianist's 1950s and 1960s output on CD. Spelar Musik pa Sitt Eget Vis is a generous 77-minute CD that focuses largely on orchestral jazz that he recorded from 1964-1966. Many of these recordings are classically influenced and inspire comparisons to the third stream experiments of Gunther Schuller as well as the orchestral music that Gil Evans recorded with Miles Davis in the late 1950s, but such comparisons shouldn't obscure the fact that Johansson was quite original himself.
Swedish jazz brothers Erik and Johan Tengholm (trumpet and double bass, respectively) have grown to be an important part of the Swedish jazz scene during the last decade - especially after starting their record label TengTones in 2021. On this record, you’ll hear them play both as a duo and together with some of their favorite musicians, who are also dear friends and some of the most prominent instrumentalists of not only the Swedish but the international jazz scene