Devant les coups du sort il n'y a pas trente choix possibles. Soit on lutte, on se démène et l'on fait comme la guêpe dans un verre de vin. Soit on s'abandonne à vivre. C'est le choix des héros de ces nouvelles. Ils sont marins, amants, guerriers, artistes, pervers ou voyageurs, ils vivent à Paris, Zermatt ou Riga, en Afghanistan, en Yakoutie, au Sahara. Et ils auraient mieux fait de rester au lit.
Caravelli, real name Claude Vasori, was a French orchestra leader, composer and arranger of orchestral music. The son of an Italian father and a French mother, Vasori was initially instructed in music by his mother in piano and voicing/harmony at seven years old, and later, when he was thirteen he began to attend the Paris Conservatoire. At twenty he was professionally touring, accompanying singers on piano, and at 26 years old he started as an orchestra conductor.
Jan Nigges gives concerts internationally as a soloist and with his ensemble. In the past three years he has been a guest at the Opus Amadeus Oda Müziği Festivali in Istanbul, the Riga Early Music Centre in Latvia, the Festival d’Ambronay in France, the Centro Musica Antica in Italy, the Narodowe Forum Muzyki (NFM) in Poland, the Stiftung Mozarteum in Austria, the Merano Festival in South Tyrol, the Vesperali Festival Lugano in Ticino and the MA Festival Brugge in Belgium.