Frank Herbert's Dune

Frank & Fearless  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by First1 at Nov. 16, 2019
Frank & Fearless

Frank & Fearless by Nicholas Cowdery, Rachael Jane Chin
English | November 1st, 2019 | ISBN: 1742236375 | 320 pages | EPUB | 0.47 MB

When I walked through the officedoor each day, I knew that almost every decision I made would make someone unhappy…Frank and Fearless is a gripping and forthrightaccount of some of the toughest cases faced by Nicholas Cowdery during his time as Directorof Public Prosecutions for New South Wales. The headline-grabbing criminal trials of Gordon Wood, Keli Lane and Jeffrey Gilham (who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his brother and was tried for the murders of his parents in 1993) are examined with forensic precision, along with the DPP's contentious decision not to prosecute artist Bill Henson and members of The Chaser.

Kompakte für Kenner Lumix TZ91•TZ81 von Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Jan. 9, 2020
Kompakte für Kenner Lumix TZ91•TZ81 von Frank Späth

Kompakte für Kenner Lumix TZ91•TZ81 von Frank Späth
Point of Sale | 2017 | Deutsch | ISBN: 3941761676 | True PDF | 268 pages | 20 MB
Ride of my life: fantastic bike tests and incredible motorcycling stories by Frank Melling

Ride of my life: fantastic bike tests and incredible motorcycling stories by Frank Melling
Mortons Media Group | 2017 | English | ISBN: 1911276557 | True PDF | 134 pages | 46 MB

Gay Talese - Frank Sinatra ha il raffreddore. Ritratti e incontri  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at May 19, 2020
Gay Talese - Frank Sinatra ha il raffreddore. Ritratti e incontri

Gay Talese - Frank Sinatra ha il raffreddore. Ritratti e incontri
Italiano | 2017 | 314 pages | ISBN: 8817092991 | EPUB | 0,5 MB

Oltre cinquant'anni di incontri, interviste eccellenti, personalità che hanno fatto la storia: Gay Talese ha scritto vere pietre miliari della letteratura americana. Questo libro raccoglie i suoi lavori migliori: dal ritratto di Frank Sinatra che, uscito nel '66 su "Esquire", è ancora oggi considerato uno dei migliori profili di una celebrità mai scritto, al pezzo su Joe Di Maggio nel periodo del matrimonio con Marilyn Monroe. E poi Muhammad Ali che incontra Fidel Castro all'Havana nel 1996, un trentunenne Peter O'Toole reduce dal successo di Lawrence d'Arabia e una serie di personaggi minori - sarti calabresi, boxeur in pensione, l'addetto ai necrologi del "Times" - tutti immortalati nella scrittura scintillante del principe del giornalismo americano.

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ300 by Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Jan. 8, 2020
Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ300 by Frank Späth

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ300 by Frank Späth
Point of Sale | 2015 | German | ISBN: 3941761595 | True PDF | 292 pages | 24 MB

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ1000 II by Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Dec. 5, 2019
Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ1000 II by Frank Späth

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ1000 II by Frank Späth
Point of Sale | June 2019 | Deutsch | ISBN: 3941761749 | True PDF | 284 pages | 298 MB

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ82 by Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Jan. 5, 2020
Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ82 by Frank Späth

Lumix Superzoom Fotoschule FZ82 by Frank Späth
Point of Sale | 2017 | German | ISBN: 3941761668 | True PDF | 268 pages | 272 MB

Lumix G70 System Fotoschule by Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Jan. 6, 2020
Lumix G70 System Fotoschule by Frank Späth

Lumix G70 System Fotoschule by Frank Späth
Point of Sale | 2015 | German | ISBN: 3941761587 | True PDF | 292 pages | 307 MB

Lumix TZ101: Das Buch zur Kamera by Frank Späth  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by crazy-slim at Jan. 7, 2020
Lumix TZ101: Das Buch zur Kamera by Frank Späth

Lumix TZ101: Das Buch zur Kamera by Frank Späth
Point of Sale | 2016 | German | ISBN: 3941761617 | True PDF | 276 pages | 24 MB

Frank Herbert - Pack 34 livres 1965-2016  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at June 2, 2020
Frank Herbert - Pack 34 livres 1965-2016

Frank Herbert - Pack 34 livres 1965-2016
Français | EPUB | 34 books | 18 MB

Ce pack contient l’intégralité du cycle Dune, romans sortis après la mort de Frank Herbet compris ; ainsi que diverses oeuvres de Franck Herbet hors-Dune regroupées pour la première fois.
En explorant dans ses romans de science-fiction des thèmes variés tels que la philosophie, la religion, la psychologie, la politique ou encore l’écologie, Frank Herbert a conduit bon nombre de ses lecteurs à s’intéresser eux-mêmes à ces domaines. …