A l'occasion du tricentenaire de la naissance de C.P.E. Bach, Olivier Vernet a enregistré l'intégrale de son oeuvre pour orgue qui est complétée par la réédition des deux Concertos pour orgue et orchestre qu'il avait gravé en 1998 avec l'Orchestre d'Auvergne placé sous la direction d'Arie Van Beck et salués alors par 5 Diapasons. La plus jeune soeur de Frédéric II, la princesse Anna Amalia de Prusse (1723-1787) possédait une vaste collection de compositions de C.P.E. Bach suggérant ainsi que ces oeuvres étaient régulièrement jouées à la cour d'Anna Amalia.
In this second instalment of complete keyboard works, Benjamin Alard demonstrates with splendid eloquence how invaluable the young Bach’s north German experience proved to be; his attentive examination of the works of the great organ masters and his craving for all kinds of music significantly broadened the stylistic foundations of his keyboard writing. The wide range of works presented here, complemented by pieces by Buxtehude, Reinken and Pachelbel, illustrates in exemplary fashion the power of a master in the making.
Following on from his lauded recording of of Clavier-Übung III celebrated organist Stephen Farr continues his survey of Johann Sebatian Bach’s organ works with the four Chorale Partitas, BWV 766–768 & 770.
This volume also marks the first recording on a substantial and colourful three-manual Bernard Aubertin organ newly installed in a private residence in Fairwarp, East Sussex in 2015.