Größte Crash

Der grosste Crash aller Zeiten - Matthias Weik & Marc Friedrich  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Maroutan at April 15, 2023
Der grosste Crash aller Zeiten - Matthias Weik & Marc Friedrich

Der größte Crash aller Zeiten: Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesellschaft. Wie Sie jetzt noch Ihr Geld schützen können - Matthias Weik & Marc Friedrich
Deutsch | 2019 | 401 Pages | ISBN: ‎3847906690 | EPUB | 22.04 MB

Finanzkrise 2008 erschütterte die Grundfesten unseres Finanzsystems. Die monetären, die sozialen und die politischen Auswirkungen spüren wir bis heute. Die beispiellosen Rettungsorgien von EZB & Co. sowie ein historisch einmaliges Notenbankexperiment dauerhafter Nullzinsen enteignen Sparer, Kleinanleger und Versicherungsnehmer.

Dimitri Speck - Die größte Finanz-Blase aller Zeiten  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bibliotkaaa at Sept. 7, 2023
Dimitri Speck - Die größte Finanz-Blase aller Zeiten

Dimitri Speck - Die größte Finanz-Blase aller Zeiten: Wieso das globale Finanzsystem in Kürze kollabiert und wie Sie Ihre Ersparnisse vor Enteignung, Euro-Crash und Inflation schützen
Deutsch | ISBN: 3959725477 | 284 pages | PDF | 08.10.2022 | 7.54 MB

Moon Crash  Movies

Posted by at July 14, 2022
Moon Crash

Moon Crash (2022)
A global steelworks company partners with an aerospace firm to mine the Moon. But when a drilling accident causes a giant piece of the Moon to crack off and hurtle towards Earth, the surviving space team and the head of the firm must figure out how to destroy the meteoroid before it wipes out the entire planet.
Science Fiction 

Black Monday  TV Series

Posted by at Nov. 28, 2022
Black Monday

Black Monday
Travel back to October 19, 1987 – aka Black Monday, the worst stock market crash in Wall Street history – this is the story of how a group of outsiders took on the blue-blood, old-boys club of Wall Street and ended up crashing the world’s largest financial system, a Lamborghini limousine, Don Henley’s birthday party and the glass ceiling.
Comedy  Crime 

MaveriX  TV Series

Posted by at June 8, 2022

Six young motocross riders come together to form a team, to make the national titles, or crash out trying. But the biggest win of all might be the friends they make for life.
Comedy  Family 

Misery  Movies

Posted by at Dec. 29, 2024

Misery (1990)
After an accident, acclaimed novelist Paul Sheldon is rescued by a nurse who claims to be his biggest fan. Her obsession takes a dark turn when she holds him captive in her remote Colorado home and forces him to write back to life the popular literary character he killed off.
Drama  Thriller 
Die große Geldrevolution: Bitcoin und die ökonomischen Folgen eines dezentralen Geldes

Die große Geldrevolution: Bitcoin und die ökonomischen Folgen eines dezentralen Geldes
by Torsten Wolf

Deutsch | 2020 | ASIN: B08R93P4FV | 217 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB

You, Me and Dupree  Movies

Posted by at Feb. 28, 2024
You, Me and Dupree

You, Me and Dupree (2006)
After standing in as best man for his longtime friend Carl Petersen, Randy Dupree loses his job, becomes a barfly and attaches himself to the newlywed couple almost permanently -- as their houseguest. But the longer Dupree camps out on their couch, the closer he gets to Carl's bride, Molly, leaving the frustrated groom wondering when his pal will be moving out.
Comedy  Romance 

Daniel Stelter - Coronomics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bibliotkaaa at Dec. 21, 2021
Daniel Stelter - Coronomics

Daniel Stelter - Coronomics: Nach dem Corona-Schock: Neustart aus der Krise
Deutsch | ISBN: 3593513218 | 226 pages | PDF | May 15, 2020 | 3.81 MB

Wie viel Bank braucht der Mensch?: Raus aus der verrückten Finanzwelt (repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at July 21, 2017
Wie viel Bank braucht der Mensch?: Raus aus der verrückten Finanzwelt (repost)

Thomas Fricke, "Wie viel Bank braucht der Mensch?: Raus aus der verrückten Finanzwelt"
2013 | ISBN: 3864890365 | 256 pages | EPUB, MOBI, AZW3 | 3 MB