Take your web development skills to a new level
This is an entry level course for computer engineering professionals, dedicated makers, and advanced hobbyists wanting to explore FPGA technology for the first time. It provides basic instruction on how to setup, design, and build digital logic circuits using a low cost FPGA board and the Xilinx Integrated Synthesis Environment (ISE). It also provides an introduction to Verilog HDL (hardware description language), a specialized computer language used to describe the structure and behavior of digital logic circuits. It's a hands-on course where you'll build simple breadboard circuits and use them to test the FPGA logic designs that you create.
Explore the practical sides of REST to build data-centric applications with Node
Put your Haskell skills to work and generate publication-ready visualizations in no time at all.
The course is designed for engineers and data scientists who have some familiarity with Scala, Apache Spark, and machine learning who need to process large natural language text in a distributed fashion.We will use sample of posts from the subreddit /r/WritingPrompts, which contains short stories and comments about the short stories.The course has four parts1. Building a natural language processing and entity extraction pipeline on Scala & Spark2.
Angular 2 is a game changer in the field of web development and enables you to efficiently architect large-scale and maintainable software. It has everything from a powerful view engine to an exceptional data binding framework and a design that embraces modern web development. Bootstrap allows users to quickly get started developing professional-looking responsive web applications. With both joining forces, we burst into modern web development with the very best of development and design.
Web frameworks can be difficult enough to get your head around at the best of times. When it comes to Angular, it can be especially challenging to keep up; new versions are released every 6 months, and although the latest version is Angular 4, there wasn't actually an 'Angular 3'! Confused? Don't be. This online course will explain it all…
Whether you’re a programmer with little to no knowledge of Python, or an experienced data scientist or engineer, this Learning Path will walk you through natural language processing, using both Python and Scala, and show you how to implement a range of popular tools including Spark, scikit-learn, SpaCy, NLTK, and gensim for text mining.
Road to creating optimized applications
Migrate to Angular 2 and leverage TypeScript into your web apps