Mozart's flute concertos are of course a Holy Grail for flautist François Lazarevitch, one that he has decided to tackle together with his ensemble Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien in connection with their work on sources of interpretation. He has recorded the two concertos for flute and orchestra on a one-keyed flute, a copy of an instrument made in Mozart’s time, and the concerto in C for flute and harp on an eight-keyed flute — a flute with a C foot — with Sandrine Chatron playing a period harp by François-Joseph Naderman. As Mozart left no original cadenzas for the flute concertos, François Lazarevitch has created his own, drawing inspiration from the cadenzas Mozart composed for his piano concertos. The Menuets and Gavottes in the final movements are particularly highlighted by the ensemble’s expertise in music for dancing: "after a first movement that is a little solemn and a second that is more lyrical, the final movements are often a moment for release in dance," concludes Lazarevitch.
Des conseils assortis d'exercices pratiques pour se libérer du stress et de l'anxiété grâce à un travail mental ainsi qu'à des techniques relaxantes et harmonisantes inspirées de la sophrologie, du yoga, de la méditation ou du qi gong. …
Des exercices, des coloriages, des notes et des pensées positives pour mieux se connaître et développer ses propres talents. …
ll Pomo d’Oro and Zefira Valova focus here on the little-known violin concertos of the second half of the eighteenth century. Bringing together the works of Franz Benda and his elder Johann Gottlieb Graun (in a world premiere recording), pillars of the orchestra at the court of Frederick II of Prussia, as well as those of the Venetian virtuoso Maddalena Lombardini Sirmen and the iconoclastic Georges Bologne de Saint-Georges (also in a world premiere recording), this recording offers a bright panorama of the evolution of the genre, culminating in Mozart’s achievements in the last quarter of the century, of which Il Pomo d’Oro and Zefira Valova offer us a glimpse with the famous Rondo in C K. 373.
La traversée : un périple à travers l'immense forêt congolaise, de Kigali au Rwanda à Kinshasa en République démocratique du Congo. Un invraisemblable voyage, en moto, en camion, en barge, malgré les trafiquants, la fièvre Ébola, les groupes armés. Une traversée dans une nature dantesque où les hommes et les femmes vivent coupés du monde. L'enjeu ? Vérifier les accusations des autorités françaises, répétées inlassablement depuis plus de vingt ans …