Like Emotional Rescue before it, Tattoo You was comprised primarily of leftovers, but unlike its predecessor, it never sounds that way.
The Who‘s 1967 album The Who Sell Out will be reissued as a seven-disc super deluxe edition box set in April. The album was originally planned by Pete Townshend and the band’s managers (Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp) as a loose concept album with jingles and commercials linking the songs. This approach was partly because the record label were demanding a new record and Townshend felt as if he didn’t have enough songs!
After an interminable decade-long absence from the studio, German metal titans Rammstein rekindled their flame, igniting a new era with their seventh effort, RAMMSTEIN. Celebrating the band's 25th anniversary, this precision attack is both a satisfying return to classic sounds and a fresh vision of the band that remains triumphant and, most shockingly, even elegant and graceful. RAMMSTEIN stands tall alongside the expansive scope and experimental textures of early-2000s releases Mutter and Reise, Reise, stepping aside from the blitz of their preceding effort, 2009's Liebe Ist für Alle Da. As Christoph "Doom" Schneider's drums pummel, the corrosive twin-guitar attack of Richard Z. Kruspe and Paul Landers provides a fresh batch of addictive, headbanging riffs.
After an interminable decade-long absence from the studio, German metal titans Rammstein rekindled their flame, igniting a new era with their seventh effort, RAMMSTEIN. Celebrating the band's 25th anniversary, this precision attack is both a satisfying return to classic sounds and a fresh vision of the band that remains triumphant and, most shockingly, even elegant and graceful. RAMMSTEIN stands tall alongside the expansive scope and experimental textures of early-2000s releases Mutter and Reise, Reise, stepping aside from the blitz of their preceding effort, 2009's Liebe Ist für Alle Da. As Christoph "Doom" Schneider's drums pummel, the corrosive twin-guitar attack of Richard Z. Kruspe and Paul Landers provides a fresh batch of addictive, headbanging riffs.
After an interminable decade-long absence from the studio, German metal titans Rammstein rekindled their flame, igniting a new era with their seventh effort, RAMMSTEIN. Celebrating the band's 25th anniversary, this precision attack is both a satisfying return to classic sounds and a fresh vision of the band that remains triumphant and, most shockingly, even elegant and graceful. RAMMSTEIN stands tall alongside the expansive scope and experimental textures of early-2000s releases Mutter and Reise, Reise, stepping aside from the blitz of their preceding effort, 2009's Liebe Ist für Alle Da. As Christoph "Doom" Schneider's drums pummel, the corrosive twin-guitar attack of Richard Z.
Lange Zeit arbeitete er mit Michael Weisser zusammen, mit dem er insgesamt 14 Alben auf dem vom Elektroniksolisten Klaus Schulze gegründeten Label IC/Innovative Communication veröffentlichte, zuerst unter dem Namen Mergener & Weisser, dann unter dem Namen Software. Die Musikformation Software setze sich konzeptionell mit dem aufkommenden Thema „Computerkultur“ auseinander. Software-Cover und das Artwork aller Tonträger (LP, MC, CD) zeigen Grafiken von Computerkünstlern wie MAPART (Heinz-Otto Peitgen), Herbert W. Franke, Jürgen Brickmann, Able Image Research, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Nelson L. Max, David Sherwin, Andy Kopra, Mental Images.