Forget blues as a way to weep or feel angry over jilted love - Sharp breaks, and rewrites the rule book. Familiar themes like feeling upset over an unfaithful partner are extended to warning about lovers who spend too much time on the golf course, betting the horses at the track, or worse, glued to the TV in "Cheatin' on Me." Seemingly policitcally incorrect, she advises the way to a man's heart is through his stomach in "Keep on Cookin'." Never mind if the grub is fat-laden or piled with sugar - keep him happy! Her over-the-top, come-out-kickin'-at-ya vocals are not for the faint-hearted. Anyone aspiring to a singing career would do well to pay heed to Sharp's emphasizing of key phrases to draw in the listener. Miles Joseph's guitar comes across blaring, but never overpowers Sharp.