Dix ans après son premier Best of, Vanessa Paradis sort ‘Best of et Variations’. Le CD1 regroupe les singles les plus marquants de la carrière de Vanessa, de Joe le taxi à Il y a en passant par Tandem et Divine Idylle… Il inclue aussi les nouveaux singles de Vanessa depuis La Seine à ceux des albums ‘Love songs’ et ‘Les Sources’. Et bien sûr le tout nouveau single inédit Vague à l’âme sœur qui ouvre ce premier CD.
Ne ratez pas le prochain tome de la série Les Sorcières de Hollow Cove ! …
À 17 ans, troquer sa vie parisienne pour suivre sa famille sur la côte d'Azur est un enfer pour Lucie. Pourtant, la jeune tille y intègre bien vite le cercle de la jeunesse dorée locale, qui l'initie à l'effervescence nocturne, synonyme de soirées endiablées, où l'alcool coule à flots, les rencontres sans lendemain se succèdent et l'insouciance adolescente rayonne. …
Music and cinema, this is a true love story, a symphony of emotions that accompanies the images, amplifies sensations and captivates hearts and souls. From unforgettable melodies to themes forever inscribed in our collective memories, the 'B.Os' transport us to a world of dreams and passions, leaving an indelible mark in our most intense and intimate memories. - - With this album I wanted to share with you the themes that have marked my life and I offer you a personal reading, without ever going far from your own memories. Anne Ducros, the jazz singer that America envies, performs the most famous themes from the soundtracks of French and international cinema, from Michel Legrand to Eric Clapton, from Joni Mitchell to Jeanne Moreau.
Music and cinema, this is a true love story, a symphony of emotions that accompanies the images, amplifies sensations and captivates hearts and souls. From unforgettable melodies to themes forever inscribed in our collective memories, the 'B.Os' transport us to a world of dreams and passions, leaving an indelible mark in our most intense and intimate memories. - - With this album I wanted to share with you the themes that have marked my life and I offer you a personal reading, without ever going far from your own memories. Anne Ducros, the jazz singer that America envies, performs the most famous themes from the soundtracks of French and international cinema, from Michel Legrand to Eric Clapton, from Joni Mitchell to Jeanne Moreau.
Music and cinema, this is a true love story, a symphony of emotions that accompanies the images, amplifies sensations and captivates hearts and souls. From unforgettable melodies to themes forever inscribed in our collective memories, the 'B.Os' transport us to a world of dreams and passions, leaving an indelible mark in our most intense and intimate memories. - - With this album I wanted to share with you the themes that have marked my life and I offer you a personal reading, without ever going far from your own memories. Anne Ducros, the jazz singer that America envies, performs the most famous themes from the soundtracks of French and international cinema, from Michel Legrand to Eric Clapton, from Joni Mitchell to Jeanne Moreau.