
Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1  Software

Posted by scutter at Oct. 3, 2022
Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1

Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1 | 316.9 mb

Malcom interactive fluid characterization software is the Schlumberger foundation technology dedicated to reservoir fluid and source rock evaluation, geochemical data analysis, and interpretation for the E&P industry.
Archie Shepp - Poem For Malcom (1969/2023) [Official Digital Download 24/96]

Archie Shepp - Poem For Malcom (1969/2023) [Official Digital Download 24/96]
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 32:38 minutes | 732 MB
Jazz | Studio Master, Official Digital Download

Poem for Malcolm is a jazz album by Archie Shepp. Recorded in Paris in August 1969 only two days after Yasmina, a Black Woman, it again features musicians from the Art Ensemble of Chicago.
Malcom Ferdinand, "Une écologie décoloniale - Penser l'écologie depuis le monde caribéen"

Malcom Ferdinand, "Une écologie décoloniale - Penser l'écologie depuis le monde caribéen"
Seuil | 2019 | ISBN: 2021388492 | Français | EPUB | 464 pages | 4.8 MB

Une colère rouge recouvre le ciel. Les vagues s'agitent, l'eau monte, les forêts tombent et les corps s'enfoncent dans ce sanguinaire gouffre marin. Les cieux tonnent encore devant ce spectacle : le monde est en pleine tempête.
Derrière sa prétention d'universalité, la pensée environnementale s'est construite sur l'occultation des fondations coloniales, patriarcales et esclavagistes de la modernité. Face à la tempête, l'environnementalisme propose une arche de Noé qui cache dans son antre les inégalités sociales, …
Nathan Williamson - Malcom Lipkin- Piano Music (2023) [Official Digital Download 24/96]

Nathan Williamson - Malcom Lipkin- Piano Music (2023) [Official Digital Download 24/96]
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 01:08:45 minutes | 1.04 GB
Classical | Studio Master, Official Digital Download

Malcolm Lipkin's experience and skill as an executant who can perform his own music is evident in each of his piano scores.
«Varney the Vampire (Golden Deer Classics)» by Golden Deer Classics,James Malcom Rymer

«Varney the Vampire (Golden Deer Classics)» by Golden Deer Classics,James Malcom Rymer
English | ISBN: 9782377939473 | EPUB | 1.0 MB

«Firestorm» by Anne Malcom  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 7, 2019
«Firestorm» by Anne Malcom

«Firestorm» by Anne Malcom
English | ISBN: 9781977389220 | MP3@64 kbps | 10h 33m | 290.1 MB

«Making the Cut» by Anne Malcom  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 10, 2019
«Making the Cut» by Anne Malcom

«Making the Cut» by Anne Malcom
English | ISBN: 9781977389213 | MP3@64 kbps | 13h 51m | 380.8 MB

Rockin' the Boat: 50 Iconic Revolutionaries - From Joan of Arc to Malcom X  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by ksveta6 at Sept. 22, 2018
Rockin' the Boat: 50 Iconic Revolutionaries - From Joan of Arc to Malcom X

Rockin' the Boat: 50 Iconic Revolutionaries - From Joan of Arc to Malcom X by Jeff Fleischer
2015 | ISBN: 1936976749 | English | 224 pages | EPUB | 15 MB

«The Illustrated Mind of Mike Reeves» by Malcom Fawbert  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Dec. 12, 2022
«The Illustrated Mind of Mike Reeves» by Malcom Fawbert

«The Illustrated Mind of Mike Reeves» by Malcom Fawbert
English | EPUB | 0.5 MB

Malcom de Chazal - Plastica  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Jan. 27, 2024
Malcom de Chazal - Plastica

Malcom de Chazal - Plastica
Italiano | 2024 | 177 pages | ASIN: B0CT429N6B | EPUB | 0,2 MB

W. H. Auden lo riteneva, con Emil Cioran, “lo scrittore francese più originale emerso dal dopoguerra”. Aforista esuberante, dall’immaginazione ferina, Malcolm de Chazal, piuttosto – a guardare le fotografie – pare il gemello di Pessoa. Nato alle Mauritius, da possidenti terrieri, per un po’ pensò di darsi alla coltivazione dello zucchero e all’industria tessile, studiando – e lavorando – in Louisiana e a Cuba. L’esperienza – per sua somma gioia – fu un fallimento: de Chazal si ritirò nell’isola natia, impiegato in un ufficio statale (“Feci sfoggio di incapacità. Almeno, mi hanno lasciato in pace”, dirà), dandosi, totalmente, alla scrittura. I suoi libri, un elettroshock per il cervello, escono, con trasalimenti da poligrafo, per minuscole edizioni. Jean Paulhan, estasiato da questo “singolare Malcolm de Chazal, giunto da un pianeta alieno”, fa pubblicare da Gallimard "Sens-plastique", libro anomalo, impossibile, presto ‘di culto’..