Hijo de Antonio Sánchez Pecino, de madre portuguesa y hermano del cantaor Pepe de Lucía. "Mi padre se iba a buscar la vida por las noches a las fiestas y siempre amanecía en casa con flamencos; mi hermano Pepe y mi hermana María también desde chiquitos han estado vinculados a este mundo. Vivíamos en La Bajadilla, un barrio muy gitano, siempre había alguien en casa cantando o tocando." Comenzó sus estudios de guitarra a los seis años. «A mi padre se lo debo todo pues me obligó a tocar desde niño cuando uno no tiene capacidad para decidir lo que quiere ser en la vida y necesitas a alguien que te empuje y te señale el camino. Eso fue lo que él hizo, entre otras cosas porque no tenía dinero para mandarme a la escuela. Tuve que buscar trabajo y llevar un sueldo a la casa».
At first glance, this looks like the perfect Christmas present for Cuban music enthusiasts: a finely packaged box set that includes three CDs, released to mark what would have been the 100th birthday last month of the great singer and guitarist who became best known for his work with the Buena Vista Social Club, and who enjoyed worldwide success until his death in 2003 at the age of 95. But it's not quite what it seems. It's described as an "exhaustive overview" of Segundo's work, but it only covers his final recordings from 1996-2003. Which is unfortunate, for this is surely the right time to release a comprehensive retrospective of his extraordinary career.
Singer and actress Maria Dolores Pradera was born in Madrid on August 29, 1924. She spent much of her childhood in Chile, her family brought there by her father's business. She began working as an actress on both stage and screen as early as her late teens. Her first major works were the films Yo No Ne Caso in 1944 and Los Habitantes de la Casa Deshabitada in 1946. It was while working on Los Habitantes that Pradera met Fernando Fernan Gómez, whom she would marry in 1947. From there she would perform in various theaters in Spain, France, and Mexico, collaborating with the most important directors of the day.