We’ve got a real treat here for Marc Almond fans – the last of his very limited edition Against Nature collaboration with Jeremy Reed and Othon. Against Nature is said to be the seminally decadent novel of 19th Century fin de siècle Paris. It explores the central character of Des Esseintes who, as Jeremy Reed explains lived, “a life governed by deviated aesthetic obsessions and the desire to subvert…. nature through artificial pursuits. Endemically bored, wealthy, disillusioned, acutely refined, phobic and neurotic and singularly disgusted by humanity he withdraws from Paris as a middle-aged sensualist to live with servants as a recluse”.
The third (and final, according to the album's subtitle) chapter of New York DJ Funkmaster Flex's mix albums is the best of the bunch, a gritty combination of old- (A Tribe Called Quest, House of Pain, Naughty By Nature) and new-school rappers (Missy Elliott, Wu-Tang Clan, Busta Rhymes).
FROM THE LOVELY, LANGUID opening words, “Dalle cime dell’Alpi” (From the tops of the Alps), as Winter returns from the mountains to learn from the other seasons of the death of the Virgin Mary, this new recording makes a case for Marcello’s 1731 oratorio, Il Pianto e il Riso delle Quattro Stagioni. Fresh voices, attentive to text and to stylish phrasing, portray the siblings Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, supported by the lively playing of the Ensemble Lorenzo da Ponte and vigorous singing of the Venice Monteverdi Academy under the direction of Roberto Zarpellon.