Night of the Living Dead [DVDrip] 1990RIP+UP | XviD-1180 | mp3@128 | 672x368 | English (English, French, Dutch, Greeek, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Portuguese, Italian, SpanishHindi, Czech, Hungarian idx+sub in file) | DVD Cover & Sticker | 1H25 | 800 Mb
1990Directed by Tom SAVINI
Written by George A. Romero
Music by Paul McCollough
Cast Tony Todd, Patricia Tallman, Tom Towles, McKee Anderson, William Butler, Kate Finneran & Bill Moseley
A group of embattled humans fend off hordes of walking dead in a secluded farmhouse in Western Pennsylvania. However, interpersonal feuding between the people in a house proves just as deadly as the zombie attack. The story follows the same essential story of the original Night of the Living Dead, but with slight alterations. Ben (Tony Todd) and Cooper (Tom Towles) shoot and wound each other. Ben stumbles down to the basement as the zombies finally enter into the house. Ben then limps to a chair and finds keys to the gas pump, which was destroyed when Tom, desperate to get gasoline, tries to shoot the lock and misses, causing the station to blow up, killing himself and Judy. Ben then spits his last cigarette out of his mouth and begins laughing at the irony of the news on the radio playing next to them that they have just now discovered that flesh-eating zombies have attached as the mass of undead bang on the door. Later, when Barbara returns to the house with a Zombie Hunting Posse, she realizes Ben has become a zombie. A member of the posse then shoots him. Barbara is standing in mourning looking at Ben's corpse when Harry (who climbed into the attic and did not turn into a zombie) grabs her arm and says "You came back, you came back" with an extended hand of friendship. Barbara swiftly shoots him in the head. When two of the posse come upstairs to check why shots were fired, Barbara says "There is another one for the fire". Barbara (Patricia Tallman), a frightened, nearly catatonic character in the first film, is stronger in this version, and is the only survivor from the group in the farmhouse.Lors d'expériences atomiques, les morts se réveillent et sortent de leurs tombes afin d'anéantir les vivants. Cinq personnes se réfugient dans une cabane isolée… Pour ce remake de 1990, George Romero a lui-même retravaillé le scénario de son chef-d'oeuvre. Spécialiste d'effets spéciaux et des maquillages gores, Tom Savini s'est chargé de la réalisation. Pour le reste, que les fans se rassurent, rien n'a changé…