This album provides the recording of two chamber music works, possibly the most important of the 20th century: The Quartet pour la fin du Temps (Messiaen) and Quatrain II (Takemitsu), both for an unusual instrumental group: clarinet, violin, cello and piano. The Quartet pour la fin du Temps was inspired by the tenth chapter of the Book of Revelation and it is dedicated to the Angel of the Apocalypse who lifts his hand toward Heaven and says: « There shall be time no longer, but at the day of the trumpet of the seventh angel the mystery of God shall be consummated ».
Following the stellar success of "Flamenco Arabe", we proudly present "Flamenco Arabe 2", a truly exhilarating and captivating album. Flamenco guitar (José Luis Montón) and Arabic percussion (Hossam Ramzy) as well as Egyptian nay, violin, oud, qanun, accordion, palmas, bass and Spanish vocals (Maria Toledo) perfectly complement each other. Very addictive listening! The 28-page colour booklet with photos and lots of information in English, German, French and Spanish plus extra outer slip-case cover round off this beautiful album perfectly.
The guitar legacy of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968) stands at well over one hundred works, a highly significant proportion of his compositional output. He was one of the first generation of nonguitarist guitar composers, most of whom were drawn to the instrument by Andrés Segovia as part of his the Spanish virtuoso’s endeavour to ennoble and to dignify the status of his preferred instrument alongside instruments such as the piano, violin and cello that commanded such high public respect.
This recording is an important contribution to the understanding of the history of the symphony in Spain and gives us the opportunity to experience this beautiful music. The Córdoba Orchestra has been planning to record these works for several years and the symphonies have been rigorously transcribed.
L’ouvrage de José Luis Romero constitue un condensé remarquable de l’histoire de la conquête de l’Amérique du Sud et du développement par les villes de ce continent. Il situe son analyse à partir de l’Europe et, plus particulièrement, de la péninsule ibérique à la fin du XIVe siècle, et la poursuit jusqu’à l’Amérique latine du XXe siècle. Quatre décennies après sa publication, cet ouvrage est devenu un classique de l’historiographie latino-américaine. …