Olivia Manning

Olivia Manning: A Woman at War  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by tarantoga at July 4, 2018
Olivia Manning: A Woman at War

Deirdre David, "Olivia Manning: A Woman at War"
ISBN: 0199609187, 0198728581 | 2013 | EPUB | 424 pages | 7 MB

Olivia Manning: A Woman at War  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by interes at June 14, 2019
Olivia Manning: A Woman at War

Olivia Manning: A Woman at War by Deirdre David
English | 2013 | ISBN: 0199609187, 0198728581 | 424 pages | PDF | 3,5 MB

«Fortunes of War - The Great Fortune» by Olivia Manning  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Sept. 27, 2019
«Fortunes of War - The Great Fortune» by Olivia Manning

«Fortunes of War - The Great Fortune» by Olivia Manning
English | ISBN: 9780857865076 | MP3@64 kbps | 5h 15m | 144.6 MB

Olivia Manning - La grande fortuna  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at March 19, 2024
Olivia Manning - La grande fortuna

Olivia Manning - La grande fortuna
Italiano | 2024 | 408 pages | ASIN: ‎B0CK63BXJC | EPUB | 1 MB

È l’autunno del 1939 e i novelli sposi Guy e Harriet Pringle dall’Inghilterra si trasferiscono a Bucarest. Guy insegna all’università e Harriet, che non ha una vera famiglia, ha accettato di seguirlo in Romania. I due non potrebbero essere pi diversi, lui è tanto socievole quanto lei è introversa, e la giovane, con sgomento, si rende subito conto che dovrò condividere l’adorato marito con un’ampia cerchia di amici e conoscenti; tra questi il principe Yakimov, britannico di origini russe caduto in disgrazia, che vive di espedienti e trascorre le notti folleggiando; e la bella Sophie Oresanu, una studentessa universitaria locale che da tempo ha messo gli occhi su Guy. Ma sono ben altre le difficoltà che attendono Harriet: a mano a mano che i giorni passano la minaccia dell’avanzata nazista si fa sempre più concreta e la combriccola di stranieri di stanza a Bucarest assiste con orrore alla disfatta degli eserciti alleati..

The Book of Manning  Movies

Posted by at Feb. 14, 2022
The Book of Manning

The Book of Manning (2013)
Explores the personal and professional life of former NFL and Ole Miss quarterback Archie Manning and how the sudden loss of his father impacted his life and the way he and his wife Olivia raised their three sons.

«Operation Autonomous» by Ivor Porter  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Jan. 10, 2022
«Operation Autonomous» by Ivor Porter

«Operation Autonomous» by Ivor Porter
English | EPUB | 1.1 MB

Women Writing Modern Fiction: A Passion for Ideas (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at May 22, 2018
Women Writing Modern Fiction: A Passion for Ideas (Repost)

Janice Rossen, "Women Writing Modern Fiction: A Passion for Ideas"
2003 | pages: 201 | ISBN: 0333614208 | PDF | 0,9 mb
The Modern Library: The Two Hundred Best Novels in English Since 1950. Carmen Callil and Colm T[ibn(Repost)

The Modern Library: The Two Hundred Best Novels in English Since 1950. Carmen Callil and Colm T[ibn by Carmen Callil[/b]
English | 2011 | ISBN: 1849016763 | 304 Pages | EPUB | 442.85 KB

Greece in British Women's Literary Imagination, 1913–2013  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at July 8, 2022
Greece in British Women's Literary Imagination, 1913–2013

Eleni Papargyriou, "Greece in British Women's Literary Imagination, 1913–2013 "
English | ISBN: 1433131935 | 2017 | 176 pages | PDF | 5 MB
Formulation and Process Development Strategies for Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals

Formulation and Process Development Strategies for Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals By
2010 | 950 Pages | ISBN: 0470118121 | PDF | 27 MB