More close encounters with John Williams away from the silver screen. This time his focus is the cello – not just the cello‚ mind‚ but the cellist:Yo¬Yo Ma. To say thatMa greatly raises Williams’ game may sound like a rather backhanded compliment‚ but it’s hardly intended as such. The fact of the matter is that composers work on inspiration and when the inspiration comes in human form it generally takes on a more human dimension. The Cello ConcertoÊ– the biggest and most significant work of this collection – was written expressly for Ma.
Inspired by a general love of the tango, and more specifically the tango of Astor Piazzolla, on the part of Yo-Yo Ma, the Soul of the Tango album is a masterful work of the nuevo tango, played by Ma's cello and many of Piazzolla's former associates. Piazzolla's old guitarists Sergio and Odair Assad even showed up to work on a pair of tracks arranged by Sergio: the Tango Suite (consisting of Andante and Allegro). The sheer beauty of one of Piazzolla's tangos is generally enough to warrant the purchase of an album involving them. An album such as this one, where all of the songs (save one: Tango Remembrances, where Ma plays along with outtakes from Piazzolla's recording of The Rough Dancer and the Cyclical Night album) are compositions by Piazzolla is even better. Add to this the masterful playing of Ma, and the surprising facility in which the cello fits into the tango, and you've got what could become a classic album, if only it weren't on the classical label from Sony.