A series featuring stories from former members of the Church of Scientology whose lives have been affected by the Church's harmful practices. Along with a team of former high-ranking Scientology insiders who understand the inner workings and policies of the organization, Leah gives the victims a chance to be heard.
Security 2016 Amsterdam was O’Reilly Media’s first ever security conference in Europe. It gathered more than 65 of the top IT security experts from Europe, Silicon Valley, and the rest of the world to offer practical guidance on fending off the malware, spear-phishers, and DDoS attacks plaguing websites and the IoT everywhere. Containing specialized content on Euro-centric concerns like GDPR compliance, this video compilation offers a complete recording of every 40-minute session, 3.5-hour tutorial, and keynote delivered at the conference.
Are you making fast progress in the gym? Great, then don't read what I'm about to say. For everyone else who is struggling…
September 15th - 17th, 2016 In Orlando, Florida Get ready for three full days of content and networking, where you'll learn what's working now in e-commerce and digital media, and how you can combine them to grow your business.