If this premiere recording of Stephen Hough’s String Quartet No 1 may be regarded as definitive—the work is dedicated to the Takács Quartet—those of the quartets by Ravel and Dutilleux are no less distinguished.
In addition to the traditional pairing of the Debussy and Ravel string quartets, the Arcanto Quartett performs Henri Dutilleux's Ainsi la Nuit (1971-1976), a grouping that is becoming increasingly popular on recordings. These are absolutely secure, thoughtful, self-effacing readings of the Debussy and the Ravel. While the quartet doesn't bring particular new revelations to the pieces, the members play with nuanced sensitivity and impeccable musicianship. The haunted quiet they achieve in the first part of the third movement of the Debussy is especially impressive, as is the clarity of their sense of direction and unity in the final movement, the most difficult of the four to pull off. Similarly in the Ravel, the contrast between the serenity of the third movement and the raw athleticism of the fourth is attention-grabbing and invigorating.
This Debut CD confirms the impression I’d formed from broadcasts of a highly talented, exceptionally well-integrated ensemble. Their excellent balance is highlighted by crystal-clear recording. The opening of the Debussy, brisk and forceful yet with plenty of variety and meticulous in observing the composer’s directions, immediately inspires confidence. After a while, though, I started to wonder whether the playing was a bit too careful and controlled; the Vertavo Quartet, not quite as slick and with more soft-edged recorded sound, give a much more spontaneous effect, with delightful and very idiomatic touches of rubato. Similarly in the Ravel, the Belcea performance brings out all the subtleties of texture and timbre, the fascinating cross-rhythms, the sweetly nostalgic emotional tone.
Le long déroulé de l'histoire du continent africain est rythmé par une succession de guerres. Les plus anciennes sont figurées sur les parois peintes du Sahara et de l'Afrique australe. Les plus récentes font l'actualité, de la Libye au Kivu et de la Somalie au Mali. Dans l'Afrique d'"avant les Blancs", la guerre entraîna la mutation de nombre de sociétés et fut créatrice d'empires, dont ceux d'el Hadj Omar, de Samory, de Rabah, de Shaka Zulu…
Pour la première fois, l’éditeur des savoirs, les Presses Universitaires de France, et la maison de disques culturels de référence Frémeaux & Associés, s’associent pour proposer des cours particuliers sur l’histoire de France, racontée, expliquée et analysée par les plus grands universitaires.