An orchestral debut, one of numerous song cycles and finally a short yet massive vocalinstrumental work. Years spanning their dates of inception: twelve. Significantly greater span - between the dates of their premieres, interspersed by greater and lesser historical events, most notably the First World War and both Russian revolutions, along with a series of personal trials and reappraisals of the artist's spirituality, as well as bad luck and unfavourable circumstances. What - apart from the author - links these works? Seemingly very little, yet certain common threads can be found. Among them that each of the three works is linked to a degree with some kind of specific literary text. 'Some kind of' that is to say different in each instance. Songs of a Fairy Princess is a clear example of a 'musical setting'. Symphony No. 3 subtitled 'The Song of the Night', has at its core the text of a Persian mystic, yet is fundamentally an instrumental work capable of being performed without voices.
An orchestral debut, one of numerous song cycles and finally a short yet massive vocalinstrumental work. Years spanning their dates of inception: twelve. Significantly greater span - between the dates of their premieres, interspersed by greater and lesser historical events, most notably the First World War and both Russian revolutions, along with a series of personal trials and reappraisals of the artist's spirituality, as well as bad luck and unfavourable circumstances. What - apart from the author - links these works? Seemingly very little, yet certain common threads can be found. Among them that each of the three works is linked to a degree with some kind of specific literary text. 'Some kind of' that is to say different in each instance. Songs of a Fairy Princess is a clear example of a 'musical setting'. Symphony No. 3 subtitled 'The Song of the Night', has at its core the text of a Persian mystic, yet is fundamentally an instrumental work capable of being performed without voices.
An orchestral debut, one of numerous song cycles and finally a short yet massive vocalinstrumental work. Years spanning their dates of inception: twelve. Significantly greater span - between the dates of their premieres, interspersed by greater and lesser historical events, most notably the First World War and both Russian revolutions, along with a series of personal trials and reappraisals of the artist's spirituality, as well as bad luck and unfavourable circumstances. What - apart from the author - links these works? Seemingly very little, yet certain common threads can be found. Among them that each of the three works is linked to a degree with some kind of specific literary text. 'Some kind of' that is to say different in each instance. Songs of a Fairy Princess is a clear example of a 'musical setting'. Symphony No. 3 subtitled 'The Song of the Night', has at its core the text of a Persian mystic, yet is fundamentally an instrumental work capable of being performed without voices.