SACON April 2017 NYC brought together sixty-six of the top thinkers and doers from the software architecture worlds of distributed systems, DevOps, integration architecture, security, scaling, microservices, reactive architecture, performance optimization, UX design, and more to do one very important thing: make your life in software architecture a little less stressful. This video compilation is a complete record of every funny story, painful anecdote, and helpful so-this-is-what-I-finally-had-to-do tale delivered at the conference. These advice givers are an impressive group. They work for companies like Lightbend, ThoughtWorks, Allegro, Circonus, IBM Bluemix, Symphonia, Pivotal, Google, Confluent, Empear, Comcast, and 30 more of the best. If you handle problems like assessing and recommending technologies, building systems for other departments, or dealing with architectural decisions made by others before you, this video compilation is for you.
Edité par Autodesk, Revit est le principal logiciel d'architecture intégrant les concepts du BIM (Building Information Modeling), qui permet de capitaliser toutes les données du cycle de vie d'une construction. Portant sur le module Architecture de ce logiciel, cet ouvrage remarquablement illustré explique comment appréhender et exploiter Revit au cours des différentes phases d'un projet : faisabilité, esquisse, APS, APD, permis de construire, plan de commercialisation…