Josef (1827-1870), Johann (1804-1849), Johann Jr (1825-1899) Strauss. Strauss is the name of a legendary Austrian family dynasty that has produced several waltz composers and outstanding band masters, and one of the members also wrote well-known operettas.
Charles-Valentin Alkan (November 30, 1813 - March 29, 1888), and his four brothers, all musicians, adopted their father's first name as their surname. Alkan Morhange (1780-1855) was the proprietor of a music school in Paris, and he early recognized among the musical talents of his sons the singular ones of young Charles-Valentin. Consequently, at the age of five Alkan was enrolled in the Paris Conservatory of Music, the breeding ground of many outstanding musicians and composers in the Nineteenth Century. Alkan studied composition and piano, making his debut at 12 years of age performing his own compositions as well as those of others. He seemed a star ascendant. Before he was 20 he embarked on the first of two trips abroad (the second two years later), the only times he was ever to leave Paris in his lifetime.
Un double CD Diapason d'or à retrouver dès aujourd'hui en kiosque avec le numéro de février de Diapason.
Le jour où Trust dynamite le rock français !
Un soir de février 1980, des frenchies font trembler le studio Scorpio Sound, à Londres. Trust enregistre " Antisocial " pour son album Répression, à sortir en mai. Cinq minutes ont suffi à Nono, le guitariste, pour forger un riff qui lézarde les tympans. Le chanteur, " Bernie " Bonvoisin, a rédigé sur un coin de table des paroles prêtes à faire flamber les barricades. À l'heure de mettre en boîte les choeurs, les locaux sont déserts. …