Publisher: Addison Wesley

C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by leonardo78 at Feb. 15, 2017
C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition (Repost)

C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition by Stephen Prata
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 6 edition | 2011 | ISBN: 0321776402 | 1200 pages | PDF | 5,5 MB

C++ Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. An accessible and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming as well as developers already proficient in other languages.

AppleScript Finder Guide  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by leonardo78 at Jan. 12, 2017
AppleScript Finder Guide

AppleScript Finder Guide by Apple Computer Inc.
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | 1994 | ISBN: 0201409100 | 176 pages | PDF | 0,35 MB

A guide to using AppleScript to customize and automate the Macintosh. The book describes how AppleScript scripting language works with the Finder, the application that controls the Macintosh desktop.

Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails (repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by andr1078 at Aug. 19, 2017
Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails (repost)

Paul Dix "Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails"
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | English | 2010 | ISBN: 0321659368 | 320 pages | PDF | 3.5 MB

Microeconomics (10th Edition) (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by leonardo78 at Feb. 1, 2017
Microeconomics (10th Edition) (Repost)

Microeconomics (10th Edition) by Michael Parkin
Publisher: Addison Wesley | 2011 | ISBN: 0131394258 | 552 pages | PDF | 11,7 MB

Parkin’s Microeconomics is a worldwide leader because it provides a serious, analytical approach to the discipline using the latest policy and data.

J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration (repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by andr1078 at May 2, 2017
J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration (repost)

Rahul Sharma, Beth Stearns, Tony Ng "J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration"
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | English | 2001 | ISBN: 0201775808 |416 pages | PDF | 4.8 MB

For enterprises seeking to streamline their own processes – or integrate with partners and suppliers – the #1 challenge is enterprise application integration (EIA). Sun's new Connector Architecture gives Java developers powerful new tools for simplifying EIA.