The This Is the Blues series from Eagle Records (there are four volumes thus far) features players from the late-'60s/early-'70s golden age of classic British blues-rock covering, for the most part, songs by Willie Dixon and John Lee Hooker, all drawn from a series of tribute albums originally produced by Peter Brown. The fact that everything on these volumes was overseen by the same producer means that there’s an unusual unity of sound throughout the series, and listening to these collections feels a bit like listening to concert recordings at some super all-star British blues festival. The lineup is impressive, including the likes of Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, Rory Gallagher, Jack Bruce, former members of Foghat (Lonesome Dave Peverett, Rod Price), and Peter Green, who has several of his own songs also covered in the series…
Pour les nuls est à l'origine une collection de manuels informatiques, publiés aux États-Unis par les éditions IDG Books, ayant pour ambition de répondre aux questions des utilisateurs peu expérimentés.
La collection a ensuite élargi ses thématiques pour proposer des ouvrages de vulgarisation sur tous les sujets. …
As one of the leading lights of New Orleans music, Dr. John deserves a splashy, star-studded celebration – which is precisely what producer Don Was assembled on May 3, 2014 at New Orleans' Saenger Theatre. Was led a house band featuring drummer Kenny Aronoff, trombonist Sarah Morrow, keyboardist Chuck Leavell, guitarist Brian Stoltz, and pianist John Gros, then invited a host of rockers, blues musicians, and Big Easy legends to the party…
This book collection is perfect for anyone either wanting to begin learning about trading and investing, or add a lot of quality books to their collection quickly on varied subjects and well known authors.
One Shot 80: Da oltre di 10 anni è la collana più completa dedicata ai successi Pop e Dance della decade che va dal 1980 al 1989. Dopo il successo ottenuto con la prima serie arrivata al 20° volume, anche grazie agli innumerevoli Fans che con e-mail e cartoline contenute all'interno del CD hanno collaborato alla riuscita con le loro segnalazioni, ecco che la Universal Music Italia, propone quello che viene considerato il completamento dell'opera. La Nuova One Shot, come forse avete già capito, oltre ad essere rinnovata nel look, è rinnovata anche nei contenuti, 2 CD per volume che raccolgono anno per anno tutto quello che gli anni 80 hanno offerto.