Sagar Zinn

Howard Zinn: a life on the left  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at July 3, 2022
Howard Zinn: a life on the left

Howard Zinn: a life on the left By Martin Duberman
2012 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 1595586784 | EPUB | 4 MB

Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at July 27, 2018
Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics

Howard Zinn, "Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics"
2006 | pages: 185 | ISBN: 0060844256 | PDF | 1,2 mb
Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance: The World's Best-Selling Guide to Mountain Bike Repair, 6th Edition

Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance: The World's Best-Selling Guide to Mountain Bike Repair, 6th Edition by Lennard Zinn
English | October 24th, 2023 | ISBN: 1937715477 | 504 pages | True EPUB | 108.26 MB

Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance is the world's best-selling guide to the maintenance and repair of mountain bikes, hybrids, and fat bikes.

Howard Zinn, "Une Histoire populaire des Etats-Unis" (repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Oct. 6, 2017
Howard Zinn, "Une Histoire populaire des Etats-Unis" (repost)

Howard Zinn, "Une Histoire populaire des Etats-Unis"
Lux | 2006 | ISBN: 2922494802 | French | EPUB | 812 pages | 0.5 MB

La plupart des historiens sous-estiment les mouvements de révoltes et accordent trop d’importance aux affaires d’État. Ouvrage au vocabulaire tranchant, à la pensée humaniste et d’une extraordinaire puissance d’évocation, Une Histoire populaire des États-Unis recense les moments forts d’une contestation étonnante et méconnue de l’Amérique officielle. …
Rethinking America's Past: Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States in the Classroom and Beyond

Robert Cohen, "Rethinking America's Past: Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States in the Classroom and Beyond"
English | ISBN: 0820360333 | 2021 | 344 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Howard Zinn, "Combattre le racisme: Essais sur l'émancipation des Afro-Américains"

Howard Zinn, "Combattre le racisme: Essais sur l'émancipation des Afro-Américains"
2022 | ISBN: 2898330248 | Français | EPUB | 300 pages | 0.3 MB

«Howard Zinn a été un des rares intellectuels non noirs à s’être penché avec autant d’intérêt et de perspicacité sur les souffrances et la résistance des Noirs dans la formation des États-Unis comme démocratie et comme puissance impériale.» - Cornel West

Dann Zinn - Day Of Reckoning (2019)  Music

Posted by pyatak at April 18, 2019
Dann Zinn - Day Of Reckoning (2019)

Dann Zinn - Day Of Reckoning (2019)
WEB FLAC (Tracks) 382 MB | Cover | 64 minutes | MP3 320Kbps | 151 MB
Jazz | Label: Origin Records

For his fifth recording as a leader, San Francisco Bay-Area saxophonist Dann Zinn presents his stellar quartet in a performance of nine new original compositions along with a moving version of the classic ballad, 'Blame It On My Youth. '

Howard Zinn - Storia del popolo americano. Dal 1492 ad oggi  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Feb. 4, 2018
Howard Zinn - Storia del popolo americano. Dal 1492 ad oggi

Howard Zinn - Storia del popolo americano. Dal 1492 ad oggi
Italian | 2018 | 777 pages | ISBN: 8842823589 | EPUB | 2,4 MB

Quando il racconto della storia esce dalle stanze del potere e si sposta nelle strade, nelle case e nei luoghi di lavoro delle persone non illustri, per dare voce ai «vinti» e agli sfruttati, può davvero scuotere le coscienze di intere generazioni. Howard Zinn è riuscito a mostrare l'altra faccia dell'America, quella che non si insegna a scuola o nelle università. A 35 anni dalla prima edizione, e dopo 2 milioni di copie vendute, "Storia del popolo americano" - che il Saggiatore propone in versione integrale, con una traduzione ampliata e aggiornata - continua a essere uno dei libri di storia più letti al mondo. La prosa di Zinn, limpida, appassionata e documentatissima, abbraccia oltre cinquecento anni: dalla colonizzazione genocida delle Americhe all'indipendenza degli Stati Uniti, dalla guerra civile all'imperialismo del XX secolo, fino all'11 settembre 2001…

Bhakti Yoga Sagar Vol. 4  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Jeembo at Dec. 28, 2018
Bhakti Yoga Sagar Vol. 4

Bhakti Yoga Sagar Vol. 4 by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
English | 2007 | ISBN: 8186336656 | 340 Pages | PDF | 123.5 MB

Bhakti Yoga Sagar (Vol-4) "The purpose of Ram Naam Aradhana is to discover and experienceyour relationship which God, which somehow or other you havelost.

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Im Alltag Ruhe finden  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bibliotkaaa at Oct. 21, 2022
Jon Kabat-Zinn - Im Alltag Ruhe finden

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Im Alltag Ruhe finden: Meditationen für ein gelassenes Leben
Deutsch | ISBN: 3426878666 | 241 pages | EPUB | 16.10.2019 | 1.03 MB