Saint-Preux (born 1950) is a French composer of contemporary classical music which also combines elements from popular music and electronic music. His real name is Christian Saint-Preux Langlade…
Saint-Preux (born 1950) is a French composer of contemporary classical music which also combines elements from popular music and electronic music. His real name is Christian Saint-Preux Langlade…
The music of Saint-Preux is universal and timeless, combining classical,popular and contemporary musical trends, with worldsales of more than thirty millions records.
La traversée : un périple à travers l'immense forêt congolaise, de Kigali au Rwanda à Kinshasa en République démocratique du Congo. Un invraisemblable voyage, en moto, en camion, en barge, malgré les trafiquants, la fièvre Ébola, les groupes armés. Une traversée dans une nature dantesque où les hommes et les femmes vivent coupés du monde. L'enjeu ? Vérifier les accusations des autorités françaises, répétées inlassablement depuis plus de vingt ans …
In the 17th century, an astonishing stream of compositions poured out of Naples, and Neapolitan composers and performers enjoyed extraordinarily high reputations all over Europe. One of the most important occasions in Neapolitan musical life were the so-called Spassi di Posillipo, open-air festivals on the Neapolitan shore.
In the 17th century, an astonishing stream of compositions poured out of Naples, and Neapolitan composers and performers enjoyed extraordinarily high reputations all over Europe. One of the most important occasions in Neapolitan musical life were the so-called Spassi di Posillipo, open-air festivals on the Neapolitan shore.
Ce roman raconte l'Odyssée du point de vue de Pénélope, l'épouse d'Ulysse, qui a recouru à la ruse, avec la complicité de ses douze servantes, en différant sans cesse le moment de finir le linceul de Laërte avant de choisir un nouveau mari. …
Les gènes sont une fascinante machine à remonter le temps depuis que nous savons faire "parler" non seulement l'ADN des Sapiens actuels, mais aussi celui de nos lointains ancêtres. En nous faisant partager les derniers résultats des laboratoires comme ses péripéties sur le terrain, Evelyne Heyer dévoile un récit qui semblait à jamais inaccessible : celui de l'aventure humaine. Ou comment une espèce, qui s'est séparée des chimpanzés il y a 7 millions d'années à peine, a pu conquérir la planète. …
This programme reflects the full flavour and richness of English music and the instrumental and vocal repertory it inspired in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The rhythmic impulse of this repertory sometimes making use of ostinato culminates in the grounds, jigs, contredanses and so on that were all the rage at the time and led to the publication of John Playford's collection The English Dancing Master in 1651. Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien, showing their familiarity with early sources from England, Scotland and Ireland, also emphasise the melodic aspect of these dances, which in the course of time became sung airs the soprano Fiona McGown and the baritone Enea Sorini complete a colourful instrumentarium. Finally, the light-hearted dimension of entertainment is present everywhere in this repertory, which was popular in the sense that it was universally practised at the time, achieving a fame that spread far beyond the British Isles.