Solid State Physics For Engineering And Materials Science

Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at March 16, 2024
Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science (Repost)

Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science by Harald Ibach , Hans Lüth
English | PDF | 2009 | 542 Pages | ISBN : 3540938036 | 12.6 MB

This new edition of the well-received introduction to solid-state physics provides a comprehensive overview of the basic theoretical and experimental concepts of materials science. Experimental aspects and laboratory details are highlighted in separate panels that enrich text and emphasize recent developments.

Advances in Solid State Physics 47 (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at June 1, 2022
Advances in Solid State Physics 47 (Repost)

Advances in Solid State Physics 47 by Rolf Haug
English | PDF | 2008 | 345 Pages | ISBN : 3540743243 | 9.6 MB

The present volume 47 of the Advances in Solid State Physics contains the written version of a large number of the invited talks of the 2007 Spring Meeting of the Arbeitskreis Festkörperphysik which was held in Regensburg, Germany, from March 26 to 30, 2007 in conjunction with the 71st Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.It gives an overview of the present status of solid state physics where low-dimensional systems such as quantum dots and quantum wires are dominating.

Solid State Physics: Principles and Modern Applications  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 16, 2025
Solid State Physics: Principles and Modern Applications

Solid State Physics: Principles and Modern Applications by John J. Quinn , Kyung-Soo Yi
English | PDF (True) | 2009 | 537 Pages | ISBN : 354092230X | 10.3 MB

Intended for a two semester advanced undergraduate or graduate course in Solid State Physics, this treatment offers modern coverage of the theory and related experiments, including the group theoretical approach to band structures, Moessbauer recoil free fraction, semi-classical electron theory, magnetoconductivity, electron self-energy and Landau theory of Fermi liquid, and both quantum and fractional quantum Hall effects. Integrated throughout are developments from the newest semiconductor devices, e.g. space charge layers, quantum wells and superlattices. The first half includes all material usually covered in the introductory course, but in greater depth than most introductory textbooks. The second half includes most of the important developments in solid-state researches of the past half century, addressing e.g. optical and electronic properties such as collective bulk and surface modes and spectral function of a quasiparticle, which is a basic concept for understanding LEED intensities, X ray fine structure spectroscopy and photoemission. So both the fundamental principles and most recent advances in solid state physics are explained in a class-tested tutorial style, with end-of-chapter exercises for review and reinforcement of key concepts and calculations.

Solid State Physics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Aug. 24, 2022
Solid State Physics

Neil W. Ashcroft, "Solid State Physics"
English | ISBN: 0030839939 | | 848 pages | PDF | 22 MB

Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering, Fourth Edition (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Nov. 8, 2024
Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering, Fourth Edition (Repost)

Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering, Fourth Edition by Manijeh Razeghi
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2019 | 711 Pages | ISBN : 3319757075 | 110.2 MB

The fourth edition of this class-tested, multi-disciplinary introduction to solid state engineering adds dozens of revised and updated sections and problems, as well as three new chapters on solar energy harvesting, thermal and photothermal energy harvesting, and photo-thermovoltaics. Combining concepts from physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, materials science, and mechanical engineering, Professor Razeghi describes electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, the Kane effective mass method, the carbon atom, thermal properties of crystals, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, the quantum mechanical description of angular momentum, and the origin of spin in a chapter devoted to quantum mechanics. This textbook features an improved transport theory description that goes beyond Drude theory, discussing the Boltzmann approach. Introducing students to the rigorous quantum mechanical way of thinking about and formulating transport processes, this fourth edition presents the basic physics concepts and thorough treatment of semiconductor characterization technology, designed for solid state engineers.
Understanding Intermolecular Interactions in the Solid State: Approaches and Techniques

Understanding Intermolecular Interactions in the Solid State: Approaches and Techniques ( Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry, Book 26) by Deepak Chopra, Noa Marom, et al.
English | 2018 | ISBN: 1788010795 | 340 pages | PDF | 24,4 MB
Electronic Properties of Organic Conductors: An Introduction for Chemists and Engineers

Mori, Takehiko, "Electronic Properties of Organic Conductors: An Introduction for Chemists and Engineers"
English | 2016 | ISBN-10: 4431552634 | 356 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
Conductors, Semiconductors, Superconductors: An Introduction to Solid-State Physics (Repost)

Conductors, Semiconductors, Superconductors: An Introduction to Solid-State Physics by Rudolf P. Huebener
English | PDF,EPUB | 2019 | 254 Pages | ISBN : 3030314197 | 36.4 MB

This compact undergraduate textbook provides a concise yet thorough introduction to the fundamentals of solid-state physics, while also briefly discussing the historical context surrounding key scholars in the field. The vivid explanations and unique didactic approach adopted in the book aim to generate interest in these subjects while also serving as a motivating primer and supporting companion for studying more detailed and advanced textbooks in solid-state physics. The book is also suitable as a quick refresher for students preparing for examinations.

Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Feb. 28, 2019
Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory

Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory By James Patterson, Bernard Bailey (auth.)
2010 | 827 Pages | ISBN: 3642025889 | PDF | 11 MB
Handbook of Microscopy Set: Applications in Materials Science, Solid-State Physics and Chemistry: Vols. 1+2+3

Handbook of Microscopy Set: Applications in Materials Science, Solid-State Physics and Chemistry: Vols. 1+2+3 By
1997 | 1963 Pages | ISBN: 3527294449 | PDF | 92 MB