
Monteverdi - Selva Morale E Spirituale - Cantus Colln, Concerto Palatino, Konrad Junghanel (2001) {3CD Set Harmonia Mundi}

Monteverdi - Selva Morale E Spirituale - Cantus Cölln, Concerto Palatino, Konrad Junghänel (2001) {3CD Set Harmonia Mundi HMC 901718.20}
EAC rip (secure mode) | FLAC (tracks)+CUE+LOG -> 981 Mb | MP3 @320 -> 543 Mb
Full Artwork @ 300 dpi (jpg) -> 62 Mb | 5% repair rar
© 2001 Harmonia Mundi | HMC 901718.20
Classical / Baroque / Choral / Madrigal / Sacred

From the early 1630s onwards, Monteverdi had little by little become detached from his secular occupations – perhaps preparing to take his leave of earthly existence. But when he was already over 70 he set to work once more, publishing his eighth book of madrigals before offering the public a bulky collection of sacred works in the shape of the Selva morale e spirituale. Infinitely more ambitious than the comparable anthologies of his contemporaries, the work is here presented complete, enabling the listener to discover the whole range of Monteverdi’s output of sacred music, from madrigals and virtuoso solo motets to the most elaborate polyphony. In his preface evoking the multifarious “creatures” sheltered by this vast “moral and spiritual forest”, the father of Baroque music was merely emphasising the wonderful diversity of styles so characteristic of his wide-ranging genius.
Weser-Renaissance Bremen & Manfred Cordes - Pedersøn: Pratum Spirituale - Motets & Hymns (2022) [Official Digital Download]

Weser-Renaissance Bremen & Manfred Cordes - Pedersøn: Pratum Spirituale - Motets & Hymns (2022)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/44,1 kHz | Front Cover & Digital Booklet | Time - 60:13 minutes | 599 MB
Classical, Sacred, Vocal, Choral | Label: CPO, Official Digital Download

Mogens Pedersøn was a pupil of Melchior Borchgrevinck, later royal kapellmeister, and in 1619 he became royal vice kapellmeister. His major work, Pratum Spirituale ("Spiritual Pasture"), was published in Copenhagen in 1620, containing 21 five-part hymns and a mass, three motets, and a number of responsories. The works directly reflect the church-musical requirements of the time, which made available in print some kind of offerings for ultimately all situations of Lutheran culture.
Weser-Renaissance Bremen & Manfred Cordes - Pedersøn: Pratum Spirituale - Motets & Hymns (2022)

Weser-Renaissance Bremen & Manfred Cordes - Pedersøn: Pratum Spirituale - Motets & Hymns (2022)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 297 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 171 Mb | Digital booklet | 01:00:13
Classical, Sacred, Vocal, Choral | Label: CPO

Mogens Pedersøn was a pupil of Melchior Borchgrevinck, later royal kapellmeister, and in 1619 he became royal vice kapellmeister. His major work, Pratum Spirituale ("Spiritual Pasture"), was published in Copenhagen in 1620, containing 21 five-part hymns and a mass, three motets, and a number of responsories. The works directly reflect the church-musical requirements of the time, which made available in print some kind of offerings for ultimately all situations of Lutheran culture. In addition to the hymns that were part of the core liturgical program for the three feasts (Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost), there are Danish hymns, ten psalm hymns, and nine "free" hymns, partly from the distinctly Danish hymn tradition, partly from Luther's closest repertoire. The stylistic world that Pedersøn reveals in "Pratum Spirituale" is unquestionably only a very narrow segment of what this internationally experienced musician mastered: schooled between organ playing, Italian madrigal, Venetian double choir and English "consort music".
Pablo Heras-Casado - Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale (2017) [Official Digital Download 24/96]

Balthasar-Neumann-Chor, Pablo Heras-Casado, Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble - Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale (2017)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Time - 70:41 minutes | 1.27 GB
Studio Master, Official Digital Download | Artwork: Digital Booklet

A musical manifesto? Pablo Heras-Casado, leading the musicians of the Balthasar Neumann Ensemble into the heart of Monteverdi’s “Moral and Spiritual Forest”, captures the magic of its madrigals, psalm settings, Marian hymns, motets and mass settings collected in the monumental 1640 publication which forms a summation of the composer’s life’s work. His intensive activity as “maestro di cappella” at St Mark’s Basilica in Venice – a veritable haven for the musical avant-garde of his day – is typified by this selection of the choicest gems chosen from the imposing anthology.
Pablo Heras-Casado - Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale (2017)

Pablo Heras-Casado - Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale
Classical | WEB FLAC (tracks) & d. booklet | 70:41 min | 360 MB
Label: harmonia mundi | Tracks: 15 | Rls.date: 2017

A musical manifesto? Pablo Heras-Casado, leading the musicians of the Balthasar Neumann Ensemble into the heart of Monteverdi’s “Moral and Spiritual Forest”, captures the magic of its madrigals, psalm settings, Marian hymns, motets and mass settings collected in the monumental 1640 publication which forms a summation of the composer’s life’s work. His intensive activity as “maestro di cappella” at St Mark’s Basilica in Venice – a veritable haven for the musical avant-garde of his day – is typified by this selection of the choicest gems chosen from the imposing anthology.
«Il Prototipo Spirituale del Nuovo Pensiero» by Simone Bedetti,Michael Doody

«Il Prototipo Spirituale del Nuovo Pensiero» by Simone Bedetti,Michael Doody
Italian | ISBN: 9788827405925 | MP3@64 kbps | 1h 20m | 36.9 MB

Un libro meraviglioso: la strada Spirituale da seguire  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Barvaz at May 19, 2018
Un libro meraviglioso: la strada Spirituale da seguire

Un libro meraviglioso: la strada Spirituale da seguire by Giuseppe Fiore Marino
Italian | 2012 | ISBN: 9788891025883 | 185 pages | PDF | 0.9 MB
Mike Allen – Spiritual Empowerment. Sviluppa il tuo potere spirituale per raggiungere libertà, autorealizzazione (2017)

Mike Allen – Spiritual Empowerment. Sviluppa il tuo potere spirituale per raggiungere libertà, autorealizzazione, benessere e gioia di vivere (2017)
Italiano | 2017 | 72 pages | ISBN: N/A | EPUB/AZW3/PDF | 5 MB

Tutti sentiamo che c’è qualcosa dentro di noi, un’energia spirituale, un potenziale di sviluppo illimitato che trascende la ragione biologica. Lo Spiritual Empowerment, lo sviluppo del potere spirituale, è il sentire che dentro che c’è qualcosa, anche se non sapremmo dire cosa, e lasciare spazio a quel qualcosa per radicarsi in noi, fiorire in noi e da noi espandersi e diffondersi nella nostra realtà.

Gregory David Roberts - Il sentiero spirituale  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at April 25, 2022
Gregory David Roberts - Il sentiero spirituale

Gregory David Roberts - Il sentiero spirituale
Italiano | 2022 | 160 pages | ISBN: 8854524166 | EPUB | 0,4 MB

Accolto al suo apparire come un vero e proprio capolavoro letterario, capace di pagine di «inesorabile bellezza» (Kirkus Reviews), Shantaram è certamente uno dei libri più letti e venduti del nuovo Millennio. Tradotto in 44 lingue e pubblicato in 116 paesi, con oltre 7 milioni di copie vendute, ha imposto all'attenzione della critica e dei lettori di tutto il mondo la figura e l'opera di Gregory David Roberts. Dopo la sua pubblicazione, Roberts è diventato uno degli scrittori più contesi da festival letterari e prestigiose istituzioni e organizzazioni internazionali. Chi abbia letto Shantaram sa, però, che il romanzo non è soltanto «una saga gigantesca e vera» nella quale Roberts narra di Lin, il filosofo che ha smarrito «l'integrità nel crimine», ma anche una di quelle rare opere in cui l'ostinata ricerca del bene tocca la mente e il cuore..
Alice Foccroulle, Reinoud van Mechelen, InAlto, Lambert Colson - Teatro spirituale (Rome C. 1610) (2019) [24/96]

Alice Foccroulle, Reinoud van Mechelen, InAlto, Lambert Colson - Teatro spirituale (Rome C. 1610) (2019)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Time - 72:06 minutes | 1.24 GB
Studio Master, Official Digital Download | Artwork: Digital Booklet

This recording transports us to Rome’s Chiesa Nuova, the Oratory Church where in 1600 the premiere took place of the first spiritual opera, La Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo by Cavalieri. That pioneering spirit has inspired this programme devised by InAlto. Among the manuscripts in the church’s library is an anonymous source, probably dating from the very beginning of the 17th century, containing a complete cycle of settings of those seven psalms that ever since the time of Saint Augustine have been called the ‘Penitenial Psalms’. This Roman score is absolutely unique of its kind, being monodic, and composed in the early operatic melodic narrative style of recitar cantando.