"Schubert Reimagined," is a unique new album revitalising the music of Franz Schubert, featuring renowned cellist Josephine Knight, alongside the highly sought-after vocal group The Gesualdo Six, pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Timothy Jones on horn. The carefully curated repertoire includes the slow movement from Schubert's poignant String Quintet D.956, arranged for cello and The Gesualdo Six; the expressive Sonata for cello and piano in A minor 'Arpeggione' D. 821; and captivating Schubert songs delivered through innovative arrangements by Timothy Jones. The album showcases the unique blend of cello and horn, instruments with close proximity to the textures of the human voice, providing a natural musical partnership. With a special rendition of the iconic C major string quintet's slow movement featuring The Gesualdo Six, along with other masterpieces, Josephine Knight weaves a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries, creating a seamless amalgamation of singers and instrumentalists.
This is Timothy Richards’ first solo SACD. This Welsh tenor has been enchanting the European opera public for the past ten years and is currently at the Comic Opera in Berlin and the Semper Opera in Dresden. He began his professional career as a rugby player but eventually studied singing at Royal Northern and made his debut as Alfredo in La Traviata at the Welsh National Opera.
The organist and harpsichordist John Worgan (1724–90) was one of the most highly respected musicians in the London of his day: Handel admired his playing, and Burney described him as ‘very masterly and learned’. All that survives of his harpsichord music are a ‘New Concerto’, an independent Allegro non tanto and two collections, one of six sonatas and the other of thirteen teaching pieces, but they encompass an eclectic variety of styles and a surprising range of emotions – proud, spirited, witty, impulsive, touching, vivacious – making Worgan sound something like an English Domenico Scarlatti.
Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), a great genius of the viola, is little known to today's public. Timothy Ridout pays tribute to this key figure in his instrument's history with a flamboyant program featuring music by Tertis's friends, teachers and students alongside some of his own original works and transcriptions. A marvelous musical journey, rich in discoveries.
Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), a great genius of the viola, is little known to today's public. Timothy Ridout pays tribute to this key figure in his instrument's history with a flamboyant program featuring music by Tertis's friends, teachers and students alongside some of his own original works and transcriptions. A marvelous musical journey, rich in discoveries.
"Schubert Reimagined," is a unique new album revitalising the music of Franz Schubert, featuring renowned cellist Josephine Knight, alongside the highly sought-after vocal group The Gesualdo Six, pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Timothy Jones on horn. The carefully curated repertoire includes the slow movement from Schubert's poignant String Quintet D.956, arranged for cello and The Gesualdo Six; the expressive Sonata for cello and piano in A minor 'Arpeggione' D. 821; and captivating Schubert songs delivered through innovative arrangements by Timothy Jones. The album showcases the unique blend of cello and horn, instruments with close proximity to the textures of the human voice, providing a natural musical partnership. With a special rendition of the iconic C major string quintet's slow movement featuring The Gesualdo Six, along with other masterpieces, Josephine Knight weaves a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries, creating a seamless amalgamation of singers and instrumentalists.
To mark the 60th birthday of British composer Jonathan Dove, Orchid Classics presents an album devoted to his extraordinary orchestral music, performed by the BBC Philharmonic. Under the direction of Timothy Redmond, the BBC Philharmonic performs works which span nearly two decades, from The Ringing Isle of 1997, to Gaia Theory, premiered at the BBC Proms in 2014.