Ouvrage de Grammaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau avancé (B1/B2)…
Un rayon de soleil traverse l’azur du petit matin et réchauffe le cœur d’une douce caresse… Dès le premier mouvement (largo) du Trio en la Majeur, Sébastien Marq expose son jeu doux et velouté, léger et transcendant. Et l’on s’émerveille, béat, devant la beauté du son, la justesse des sentiments, et ce toucher si délicat qui vous berce et vous emmène dans un jardin d’Eden. Le voyage s’achève sur quatre mêmes notes, plus suaves et doucereuses que les précédentes.
An extraordinary enterprise … As an experience of the sounds and styles of French organ culture this boxed set, it seems to me, is indispensable … the body of music is mostly, here, not created but simply made alive by the apt choice of instruments … it is a resource to which to return with delight.
The Masters of the French Organ - from Louis XIII to the Monarchy of July: from Jehan Titelouze to Alexandre-Pierre-François Boëly, from the early seventeenth century to the end of royalty in 1848, an anthology of the French organ in box 8cds, elaborated from the records of the Temperaments collection.
Recorded between 1972 and 1976, The Golden Age of French Organ Music is one of the most comprehensive anthologies ever dedicated to the instrument. On it Andre Isoir surveys music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a period in which the French organ school matured in the service of the Roman Catholic Church.
In the Baroque period, there really was no such thing as an "orchestra" as we understand the term today. There were large collections of singers and players brought together for special occasions, but aside from those, an "orchestral" work was anything that required more than five or six players. Bach's harpsichord concertos, for example, can be performed by a couple of dozen string players plus the soloist, or with an accompaniment of one person per part, which is more or less what we get here. These small forces permit an unprecedented transparency of sound and sharpness of attack, even if some weight and body of tone necessarily get sacrificed. It's a perfectly legitimate way to play the music, however, and you won't find it better done than here.