In Disney's "Mary Poppins Returns," an all new sequel with a fresh sensibility that celebrates the spirit of the original, Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives. Emily Blunt ("The Girl on the Train," "Into the Woods") stars as the practically-perfect nanny with unique magical skills who can turn any task into an unforgettable, fantastic adventure and Lin-Manuel Miranda ("Hamilton," "Moana") plays her friend Jack, an optimistic street lamplighter who helps bring light and life to the streets of London….
n Disney's "Mary Poppins Returns," an all new sequel with a fresh sensibility that celebrates the spirit of the original, Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives. Emily Blunt ("The Girl on the Train," "Into the Woods") stars as the practically-perfect nanny with unique magical skills who can turn any task into an unforgettable, fantastic adventure and Lin-Manuel Miranda ("Hamilton," "Moana") plays her friend Jack, an optimistic street lamplighter who helps bring light and life to the streets of London.
The first studio release in seven years from drummer/composer Bob Moses, Time Stood Still is one of those potpourris that inspire awe, delight and the occasional moment of bewilderment. Moses has a finger in virtually every stylistic pie: jazz, funk Latin, Hip-hop. Yet his real predilection is for the backbeat, which explains why he avoids his ride cymbal like the plague and employs both an upright and electric bassist. The resulting sound is bottom-heavy and mostly irresistible.