This book collection is perfect for anyone either wanting to begin learning about trading and investing, or add a lot of quality books to their collection quickly on varied subjects and well known authors.
The Legacy Collection plunders the deepest depths of the Disney sound archive to collect, with unprecedented completeness, the audio histories of 11 classic animated films from each era of the Disney Studios, from Lady and the Tramp and Aristocats to Little Mermaid and the Lion King to Toy Story and Wreck-It Ralph, with one more CD devoted just to Disneyland. Each disc contains the full score of a film from opening to closing credits, unreleased rarities, and bonus material. Then there's the books.
CD1 Handel, where we find Alfred Deller and his partners conducted by Antony Lewis. It is the occasion to hear beautiful tunes, although it seems to me that Deller is not in the repertoire which suits him best. CD2 again Handel, "Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne", it is deeper and more lively, more embodied. Sacred pages of Bach follow; and there, we must hear Deller, this disturbing, unique timbre, so different from more recent interpretations … an angel.
The unreleased material has many entries, an example, such as a demo, take and rehearsal recorded 1960-1969. Some records were not published in the official album and bootlegs.