Toedliches Testament

Spider Man zur TV Serie 04 Das aussferirdische Kostuem 2 Toedliches Schwarz

Spider Man zur TV Serie 04 Das aussferirdische Kostuem 2 Toedliches Schwarz
German | CBR | 53.4 MB
Testament: A Celebration of the Life and Art of Frank Frazetta

Testament: A Celebration of the Life and Art of Frank Frazetta
Underwood Books, 2001 | English | ZIP | 156 pages | 249 MB

This final entry in Arnie and Cathy Fenner’s Frazetta trilogy features 150 full-color paintings by the renowned artist and illustrator, ranging in subject matter from barbarian battles to erotica to religious art. Frank Frazetta’s 50-year career is celebrated not only in these museum-quality reproductions of his art but also in photos from his personal archives, including shots of George Lucas visiting the Frazetta estate and Bo Derek posing for one of his alluring femme fatales.

Testament #8-10  Comics

Posted by Coda at March 12, 2021
Testament #8-10

Testament #8-10
Vertigo, 2006 | Spanish | CBR | 3 núm. | 43.3 MB Total
Guión: Douglas Rushkoff; Dibujo: Liam Sharp

La resistencia se reagrupa en la Parte 1 de la historia de tres partes "Down to Egypt". Jake ahora es un fugitivo, y su perro con RFID implantado, Bucky, debe desviar al ejército. El heredero convertido en revolucionario Alec Middleton, como su homólogo bíblico, Joseph, revela sus lealtades ocultas. Y Amos tiene suerte.

Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)  Comics

Posted by Coda at Aug. 29, 2024
Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)

Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)
Textless | ZIP | 124 pages | 13.4 MB

Testament (Completo)  Comics

Posted by Coda at Dec. 13, 2021
Testament (Completo)

Testament (Completo)
Vertigo, 2006-08 | Spanish | CBR | 22 núm. | 311 MB Total
Guión: Douglas Rushkoff; Dibujo: Liam Sharp

Esta serie está marcada por su triple narrativa: una que cuenta varias narraciones de las Escrituras hebreas o el Antiguo Testamento, otra que crea narraciones vagamente paralelas en un futuro distópico no muy lejano, y una tercera narración ambientada en un plano espiritual donde los dioses luchan. manipulando a la humanidad para sus propios fines. A un lado de la batalla están Moloch, un antiguo dios amonita al que se le hacían sacrificios humanos; Astarté, diosa de la fertilidad, el amor sexual y la guerra, adorada en la antigüedad en Siria, Egipto y las colonias fenicias (se la llama Ashtoreth en el Antiguo Testamento); y Atum-ra, un dios egipcio.
Testament: A Celebration of the Life and Art of Frank Frazetta

Testament: A Celebration of the Life and Art of Frank Frazetta
Underwood Books, 2001 | English | ZIP | 156 pages | 249 MB

This final entry in Arnie and Cathy Fenner’s Frazetta trilogy features 150 full-color paintings by the renowned artist and illustrator, ranging in subject matter from barbarian battles to erotica to religious art. Frank Frazetta’s 50-year career is celebrated not only in these museum-quality reproductions of his art but also in photos from his personal archives, including shots of George Lucas visiting the Frazetta estate and Bo Derek posing for one of his alluring femme fatales.
Les Aventures De Blake Et Mortimer - Tome 24 - Le Testament De William S (Edition Strip Noir & Blanc)

Les Aventures De Blake Et Mortimer - Tome 24 - Le Testament De William S (Edition Strip Noir & Blanc)
French | CBR | 230 pages | 251 MB
Les Aventures De Blake Et Mortimer - Tome 24 - Le Testament De William S (Edition Strip)

Les Aventures De Blake Et Mortimer - Tome 24 - Le Testament De William S (Edition Strip)
French | CBR | 198 pages | 214 MB

Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)  Comics

Posted by Coda at Aug. 29, 2024
Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)

Grandfather's last will & testament (AI Generated)
Textless | ZIP | 124 pages | 13.4 MB

Le Testament Des Siècles - Tome 2 - La Pierre De Iorden  Comics

Posted by Mendose at June 3, 2022
Le Testament Des Siècles - Tome 2 - La Pierre De Iorden

Le Testament Des Siècles - Tome 2 - La Pierre De Iorden
French | CBR | 51 pages | 114 MB