Umlaut are from Melbourne, down under and needless to say, their name is actually Umläut. There's not much to be said about this one except they seem like very interesting and funny crowd. The band members are Clinton Bär McKinnon Julian Langdon, Angus E. Leslie, Shane Lieber, Adam King and Olaf Scott, McKinnon (the multi-instrumentalist) being a leader of the band. Occasionally, a certain Mike Patton is appearing as a guest - not surprising, since Umlaut is closely related to Patton's project - not an offshoot, but a band sharing members. Hence, every Mr. Bungle fan would probably enjoy the music of Umlaut - don't let the easygoing attitude fools you, the guy are doing serious music - dense, powerful, with avant edge.
The second album from Mr. Bungle horn-man Bär (Clinton) McKinnon. Shrouded in controversy, the album swings from meticulous chamber-pop majesty to unapologetic 4-track romps. It echoes in McKinnon's work with Mr. Bungle, but deepens his singular voice with lush compositions, elegiac meditations , and crushing bursts of irreverence. The record features an assorted cast of Musicians: Shane Lieber (A Lonely Crowd), Angus Leslie (Sex On Toast), Rob McDonald, Olaf Scott (Saskwatch), John Myatt (Sex On Toast), Gareth Thomson (Sex On Toast).