Une histoire fascinante pour découvrir la fabuleuse épopée du plus célèbre des héros grecs. De la petite ile d'Ithaque à la grotte du cyclope en passant par la guerre de Troie, l'Odyssée d'Ulysse ouvre un univers magique idéal pour aller à la rencontre des Dieux, des monstres et des héros mythologiques.
'Ulysse' by Jean-Fery Rebel (1666-1747), with its prologue and five acts, was given at the Paris Opera on January 23 1703. The libretto by Henry Guichard, after Homer, recounts the return of Ulysses to Ithaca, where Circe, still in love with him, attempts to regain him by magic. The opera ends in the triumph of love over evil. Rebel followed the formal framework of the lyric tragedies of his master Lully, including some scenes to marvel at. But his orchestral writing also announces Rameau, especially in the depiction of battles, earthquakes or storms.