Hava Nagila, man erkennt es sofort, als musikalische Blaupause für alles Jüdisches, als eine fröhliche Party-Melodie, zu der man auf Hochzeiten, Bar Mitzvahs und sogar bei Major League Baseball Spielen tanzt. Es produziert ein wehmütiges Lächeln, Erinnerungen an vergangene Generationen… Aber der Song ist viel mehr als ein kitschiges jüdisches Märchen und schlechte Bar Mitzvah Mode. Es enthält eine komplette historische Konstellation, Werte und Hoffnungen für die Zukunft. Auf seine ganz eigene »Glaub-Es-Oder-Nicht« Art und Weise, schließt »Hava Nagila« die gesamte jüdische Reise der letzten 150 Jahre ein. Es entfesselt zudem die gesamte Kraft eines Liedes, Identität ausdrücken und bewahren zu können und Lehren zwischen Generationen auszutauschen sowie kulturelle Unterschiede zu überbrücken und uns alle auf einer universellen Ebene zu vereinigen…
The release of this edition was held October 8, 1998. All data cover releases were made by Dutch Artidee Creatieve Communicatie, and photo materials were prepared ANP Foto Dutch branch of the German conglomerate.
2009 eight CD box set. The Blue Note Highlights Collectors Box was compiled by Jazz icon Hans Mantel commemorating the 70th Birthday of Blue Note Records. This box set contains four single CD's, and two double CD's, each with their own specific theme. The emphasis is on Blue Note's golden era between 1955 and 1967 with all material taken from commercially available recordings…
This collection returns us to a time when the city of shanghai was a mecca of international sophistication and daring, and U.S. swing and jazz musicians of the classic era found a home amid the city's nightlife, which they shared with the best-known Chinese singers of the period. These discs mix great western musicians like Coleman Hawkins and Ella Fitzgerald (and some western artists like Sammy Kaye who were perhaps more popular than great) with Chinese cabaret singers who had crossover appeal for western ears.
Doris Day, Louis Armstrong, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and many others.
Collection of 30 CDs on various styles (Love, Movies, R&B, Country, World and Rock). Although you may find the collection a bit outdated since the release is from 2001, it contains some great songs… so enjoy.
Superlatives are inadequate for the box record company Universal Music recently released. Two hundred hits on ten CDs, hundreds of hits and a lot of TV and news clips on five DVDs and then another book as reference book. It can not be on. The disadvantage of the Testament of the sixties is that for a hundred euros a hefty investment. The advantage that you are now ready to be a hit with your sixties Collection.