La Capella de Ministrers y su fundador, el violagambista y director valenciano Carles Magraner, celebran por todo lo alto los veinte años de andadura de un conjunto que es hoy ya una referencia inexcusable en el mundo de la música antigua. Y lo hacen mediante una exposición fotográfica que se acaba de inaugurar en Valencia y dos lanzamientos discográficos: un recopilatorio de su trayectoria, que lleva el inspirado título de Tempus Fugit y una absoluta novedad, el album La Spagna, recorrido por el universo de las danzas del Renacimiento español.
With a capaciously-filled boxset of a dozen CDs made up of attractive individual programmes and entitled The Spanish Guitar, Glossa reintroduces the superb playing of José Miguel Moreno. And with recordings from 1991-2004 which still sound fresh and vivid today. A new essay and all the sung texts are included in the physical booklet that completes this limited-edition set.
Released on the 'Sony Clasical' label - "Élégie" is the second album from Anita Rachvelishvili, showcasing her in the song repertoire to which she has a special connection despite being best known as a star of the world's greatest opera houses. Accompanied by acclaimed pianist Vicenzo Scalera, this album reveals another side to the Georgian singer; the repertoire is notable for its variety featuring five languages (Russian, Georgian, Italian, French and Spanish) and, correspondingly, five very different repertoire traditions.
A Concert of Renaissance Music played on instruments designed by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). This recording is an adventure through music which brings us closer to one of the most brilliant and unsettling characters in history. Leonardo da Vinci worked in nearly all the branches of knowledge that existed at his time, including music, although he is best known as the artist who painted the Gioconda or the Last Supper in Milan. He was a painter, draughtsman, sculptor, engineer, architect, musician, philosopher and inventor. He personified the great Renaissance era more than almost anybody else.