When reviewing music by a composer that is new to me I make it a policy not to read the inlay notes of the disc so as not to come to any preconceived attitudes regarding the music. So my first impressions of these "Twelve Divertimentis" by James Oswald played by Rob Mackillop on a 18th century wire-strung guitar was that of the composer not having a formal musical education but of a simple but talented minstrel perhaps from Scotland or Ireland who, given the rustic feel of his music, with its dance like movements, was employed to provide the music for local village dances.
Moritz von Oswald's latest solo album is his most startling, time-bending material since the Basic Channel days, a collaboration with a 16-voice choir that refracts techno and choral music into dizzying psychedelic traces, exploiting mind-altering xenharmonic synth tones, Ligeti-like operatic phrases and abyssal kicks with a veteran's cunning. We've been knocked sideways by this one - trans-dimensional afters music at its absolute best.
Works by Gabriel Fauré and Richard Wagner aren't usually mentioned in the same breath, though an astute listener will easily understand why they are brought together for this late Romantic program. The lush and atmospheric harmonies and languorous melodies of Fauré's Pelléas et Mélisande, the Élégie, and his songs sort well with the benign lyricism and yearning chromaticism of Wagner's Siegfried Idyll, a serenade based on themes from the music drama, Siegfried. Indeed, this album demonstrates how pervasive Wagner's influence was, that even the classically calm and composed Fauré could not resist its expressive possibilities.
L'Album de Villard de Honnecourt est le seul document personnel que nous ait laissé un architecte du XIIIe siècle. Connu et exploité par les historiens de l'art et de l'architecture dès le XIXe siècle, il a été considéré comme l'œuvre d'un amateur depuis les années 1970. Jean Wirth reprend le problème à partir de l'étude philologique des écritures contenues dans le manuscrit et montre qu'il faut attribuer à Villard les pages dont les dessins techniques relatifs à la construction passaient pour l'œuvre d'un continuateur. …
Il existe de nombreux ouvrages sur l'Eglise au Moyen Age et les historiens prétendent souvent décrire la manière dont les chrétiens médiévaux vivaient leur religion, mais il n'y a pas grand-chose à lire sur la spécificité du christianisme médiéval. Le présent ouvrage vise à montrer l'originalité, la puissance et la cohérence du christianisme médiéval de langue latine. Il procède de l'admiration que ressent chacun en visitant une grande cathédrale gothique ou de celle que procure la rigueur intellectuelle des théologiens scolastiques. …