The ensemble of Christian Wallumrød continues to evolve in its own idiosyncratic way on Outstairs. By now, Wallumrød’s compositional signature is instantly recognizable. Nobody else writes pieces like this – multi-dimensional chamber music inspired by the sonorities of Norwegian folk and church music, influenced by early music and the post-Cage avant-garde, and liberated by jazz’s freedom of thought. This time around, the ensemble members share the arranging credits between them, making the music still more organic and flexible as new sound combinations emerge.
Old-school musique concrete interludes and electronic add-ons mark the revered Ensemble's masterly new album, which both summarises their unique career so far, and jumps boldly into the unknown. "The material for this album has been developed over a 4 year period. I wanted to somehow expand the sonic palette of the Ensemble and to look for different ways to make music for and with them. For me, the process with the electronic instruments on board has led to some unpredictable combinations of sounds, and to new approaches to improvisation.” Christian Wallumrød.
Welcome to Palette. Each work on this album invites you to a unique sonic universe. Together, the pieces represent a new era in my repertoire and practice. In several of these works, I have actively participated in the compositional process as a co composer, contributing with my creativity and knowledge. The pieces are constructed in partnership with a number of open and creative composers, and in several cases, years of collaborative work prepared the ground for their blooming colors. They result from intertwined contributions, generating works that none of us could have imagined alone.