The series was revived as "AM Gold" in 1995, with a different cover design (early volumes had an artist's drawing of a pocket transistor radio, with later volumes bearing a "gold record" with the year or era spotlighted emblazoned over the top). The first 20 volumes were re-titled issues of volumes from the former "Super Hits" series with identical track lineups, while new volumes covering the mid- and late-1970s (including individual volumes for each of the years 1974-1979) were included.
Everyone has thought it on occasion, when a drunk spoils the party for everyone else, and now Big Al Carson has written a song that expresses what everyone was thinking. "Take Your Drunken Ass Home" was written by Carson extemporaneously one night, as the blues musician and his band were repeatedly interrupted during their set by an inebriated patron at a New Orleans bar. Since then, the song has become a favorite during the Carnival season, culminating in its biggest day, Mardi Gras, with plenty of people needing this kind of advice. Music veteran Carson has chosen the humorous tune as the title cut of his 2002 CD release.
It's impossible to consider The River in Reverse without taking the devastation Hurricane Katrina wreaked upon New Orleans into account. Indeed, it's quite likely that this collaboration between Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint would not even have occurred if it weren't for that cataclysmic event. They've collaborated before – Toussaint wrote horn charts for Costello's 1989 album Spike – but neither had plans to work together until they appeared together at several benefit concerts for the victims of Katrina in September of 2005.