Wolfram Alpha Primary

Mechanik – smart gelöst: Einstieg in die Physik mit Wolfram|Alpha, MATLAB und Excel  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Oct. 22, 2022
Mechanik – smart gelöst: Einstieg in die Physik mit Wolfram|Alpha, MATLAB und Excel

Mechanik – smart gelöst: Einstieg in die Physik mit Wolfram|Alpha, MATLAB und Excel by Peter Kersten
Deutsch | EPUB(True) | 2017 | 294 Pages | ISBN : 3662537052 | 3.99 MB

Dieses Buch bietet Studierenden in MINT-Fächern eine optimale Hilfestellung beim Erlernen der Grundlagen der Physik. Typische Aufgaben der Mechanik werden dabei Schritt für Schritt erklärt und mithilfe leistungsstarker Software aus den Bereichen Tabellenkalkulation, Computeralgebra und technisch-wissenschaftlichem Rechnen gelöst. Die dabei verwendeten Programme (Excel®, der Internetdienst Wolfram|Alpha® sowie die Software MATLAB®) sind sowohl auf Desktop-Rechnern, als auch als Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten wie Smartphones oder Tablets verfügbar – und damit immer schnell zur Hand. Die Fähigkeit mit diesen Programmen zu arbeiten kann auch im weiteren Studienverlauf und später in der beruflichen Praxis von großem Nutzen sein.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual Linux  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Nov. 29, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual Linux

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual Linux | 6 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS | 7.8 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual | 7 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual | 7 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual | 7 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS | 7.8 GB

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual | 7 GB

Starting with Version 14.1, Wolfram|One, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, and Finance Platform are all accessed through the new unified product, Wolfram. The Wolfram application was created to ensure a simplified installer for all supported products.

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual macOS | 7 GB

Starting with Version 14.1, Wolfram|One, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, and Finance Platform are all accessed through the new unified product, Wolfram. The Wolfram application was created to ensure a simplified installer for all supported products.

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual  Software

Posted by Artist14 at Aug. 5, 2024
Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual

Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.1.0 Multilingual | 7 GB

Starting with Version 14.1, Wolfram|One, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, and Finance Platform are all accessed through the new unified product, Wolfram. The Wolfram application was created to ensure a simplified installer for all supported products.