Cold Chisel opened the '80s with their most widely accepted and artfully constructed album, East. Following it up was a tall order for the Aussie quintet, but they did the trick admirably with Circus Animals. (A live album, Swingshift, was released in the period between the two studio discs.) A ten-song stew of the band's signature guitar-and-piano-driven ballads and rockers, it further confirmed Chisel's depth and breadth as a creative unit. From the outset of Circus Animals, the boys come crashing in through the window like a bunch of rowdies with hell-raising on their minds, cranking out the guitar rock rottweiler "You Got Nothing I Want." Singer Jimmy Barnes' wrote the song about the frustration of a recently completed U.S. tour that had imploded ingloriously. As he belts out the number, Barnes' voice sounds like a buzz saw blade that's flown loose and ripped through a bunch of parked cars.
Camouflage is the thirteenth studio album and Fabian's fifth English album. The album is to be released October 6, 2017. The first single from the album, "Growing Wings" was released on August 4, 2017.Fabian is kicking off the "Camouflage World Tour" in February 2018. The tour will bring music from the album to the stage, together with her international hits for 40 dates across the world, ending in Paris in June 2018.