Acclaimed Japanese pianist Yu Kosuge unveils Wind, the third in her series of four Orchid Classics albums related to the four elements (Water, Fire, Wind, Earth). Kosuges inspiration for these releases stems from her relationship with the music of Beethoven, who was drawn to Greek legends. This led Kosuge to the Greek concept of the four elements as the basis of these albums. Beethoven is one of a varied selection of composers featured on Wind; Yu Kosuge performs his blustery Piano Sonata Op. 31, No. 2, known as The Tempest. There are evocative pieces from the French Baroque, by Couperin, Rameau and Daquin, and from the world of French Impressionism with three of Debussys fleet-footed Préludes. The release is completed with a piece by contemporary Japanese composer Akira Nishimura, and the atmospheric In the Mists by Janáek. Apart from technical perfection, which is not that unusual today, she possesses a stunning palette of expression and an exquisite and pearly touch.
Celebrated Japanese pianist Yu Kosuge embarks on an exciting project: four releases inspired by the Greek concept of the four elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. Many composers have been drawn to the properties of these elements when seeking inspiration for their music, but Kosuge's theme goes deeper, dating back to her successful Beethoven cycle: ""When you understand that Shakespeare's plays, read ardently by Beethoven, refer to Greek mythology, or that Beethoven himself composed some works based on the Prometheus myth, you would know that an artist who is searching for human nature would surely look to Greek mythology or philosophy…"" In Water, Yu Kosuge interprets a rich array of repertoire, from Liszt and Wagner to acclaimed contemporary composer Dai Fujikura. The 'barcarolle' takes its rocking rhythms from the motion of a boat: we hear examples by Chopin and Fauré, as well as Venetian Gondola 'Songs Without Words' by Mendelssohn.
Coco Tomita (violin), Simon Callaghan (piano), Chelsea Guo (piano), George Lepauw (piano), Roman Rabinovich (piano), Vocal Group Concert Clemens, Nino Gvetadze (piano), Edna Stern (piano), William Howard (piano), Jonathan Biss (piano), Dmytro Popov (tenor), Yu Kosuge (piano), Nicholas McCarthy (piano), Gabriela Montero (piano), Bjarke Mogensen (accordion), Ashley Wass (piano), Ron Abramski (piano).