Above Angry Sea

Paul Messis - Songs of Our Times (2017)  Music

Posted by Domestos at Dec. 11, 2017
Paul Messis - Songs of Our Times (2017)

Paul Messis - Songs of Our Times (2017)
MP3 CBR 320kbps | 00:33:50 | 77.96 Mb | Cover
Indie Rock, Garage Rock | Country: UK | Label: 13 O'Clock Records

Paul Messis is a singer-songwriter based in West Sussex UK. He has been recording and releasing material under his own name since 2008 and currently has records out on three great record labels - State Records ,13 O' Clock Records and most recently his own label Market Square Records. Paul records his tracks at Sandgate Sound Studios, in the idyllic seaside village of Sandgate, Kent.