In the heart of South America lies the life line of Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. These waters are the bloodstream of the largest tropical forest inthe world, the Amazon Rain Forest. Receiving twelve hours of rain and twelve hours of sunlight everyday, its inhabitants are as unique as their environment. Animals range from jaguars to capybaras to monkeys, and the forest contains 20% of all species of birds in the world. Music of the Amazon is rich Latin America Rhythms, moving like the river at a slow consistent pace, always reaching its final destination.
Innovatively fusing traditional ethnic musics with state-of-the-art rhythms, the work of Deep Forest was best typified by their 1993 smash "Sweet Lullaby," which brought together the contemporary sounds of ambient techno with the haunting voices of the Pygmies of the central African rain forest…
Earth is a very fresh, timeless work. It's difficult to believe that it was recorded in 1973. The music here is an early example of "New Age" and ambient music and I believe Vangelis to be an important pioneering composer of the genre. There is also a combination of some "World Music" or ethnic music on this album. He was at his most dynamic with this work and he dabbled in many different styles. I realised recently that as well as playing a variety of keyboards he played percussion too and performed with some ethnic instruments on the album, including the flute and tabla.
Earth is a very fresh, timeless work. It's difficult to believe that it was recorded in 1973. The music here is an early example of "New Age" and ambient music and I believe Vangelis to be an important pioneering composer of the genre. There is also a combination of some "World Music" or ethnic music on this album. He was at his most dynamic with this work and he dabbled in many different styles. I realised recently that as well as playing a variety of keyboards he played percussion too and performed with some ethnic instruments on the album, including the flute and tabla.
Earth is a very fresh, timeless work. It's difficult to believe that it was recorded in 1973. The music here is an early example of "New Age" and ambient music and I believe Vangelis to be an important pioneering composer of the genre. There is also a combination of some "World Music" or ethnic music on this album. He was at his most dynamic with this work and he dabbled in many different styles. I realised recently that as well as playing a variety of keyboards he played percussion too and performed with some ethnic instruments on the album, including the flute and tabla.